It could be that you really do not get it, and you are not giving yourself time to think through the issues.
In a Black Movement, issues surrounding racism, colourism, sexism and other such ills are matters of assessing the character of people. This is about INTEGRITY.
Understanding how one fits in when dealing with restoring earthly imbalances is a matter of character. This is about INTEGRITY.
It takes INTEGRITY to be able to deal with issues, and consider views that you may have never considered before, for example colourism. This is about INTEGRITY.
I am not assessing how real you are based on your colour, but I am in fact looking at conduct/character. This is assessing your INTEGRITY.
Certainly if people claim to be unfamiliar with a region and its issues, and they are unwilling to LEARN about it, and consider the information that is being presented, then they clearly demonstrate a lack of INTEGRITY.
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