i amposting this from MY OWN point of view & NO ONE ELSES.i think we ALL should REAL-EYEZ that the "Lighter" skin blaks is PREFERED over the "Dark" skin blacks,THIS IS TRUE.i think we ALL should REAL-EYEZ that even IF Ras Ikael Tafari is "mied",that the Darker ones of ini people will feel BETTER REPRESENTED i with a one of their OWN HUE,it is their RIGHT coz u can look at I-story and see how this goes.its not whether their was a Good "Light" skin black leader,its not whether Ras Ikael is Rasta fromlong time or not.Ones just HAVE TO OVERstand that in order for us to move forward in InI own community,the Lighter ones have to see where the Darker ones come from on this issue,coz they feel the Brunt of things MORE than the rest of the Hues.Selah
Essene Ra-sta
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