What is there to challenge with your willie Lych (izm) statement? The house nigga and field nigga is a reality. Lighter skinned people usually were the ones who worked in the big house because they had some of 'massa's' blood in them...while the darker skinned blacker were the ones who were brutalized more often because they had none or less visable amount of massa's blood in them. Consequently, the house nigga was treated better than the field nigga. This was/is typically the rule. There were/are always exceptions but InI tend to deal with the rule instead of exceptions.
I hope you can grasp what I am saying to you. And if you are one of these light skinned persons, dont get defensive because you can easily be one of the exceptions...just as Ikael Tafari can be as well. It is not a personal attack...InI are reasoning. Clay can never sharpen Iron.
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