I have seen your picture, and you are a light-skinned mixed person, although you will not pass for white. You came to a Black owned and black operated message board, made wild assumptions about the ownership of the site, and silly insinuations about the works and merits of others with whom you are unfamiliar. Other black ones, particularly those from the region or familiar with the overall racial/ political situation in Barbados, were trying to explain to you a situation in a country that you are not familiar with, and all you could respond with was defensiveness and poor conduct. You were reduced to filthy name calling and spewing of racial epithets that any real black person (which you claim to be) would be grossly offended by.
You are intolerant of the issues that dearly affect many black people whether you are aware of it or not (clearly you are not) and your very intolerance and defensiveness expose the very reason we do not trust light-skinned ones in positions of authority. Surely you cannot expect that blacks will accept token consideration of issues that affect them, and the brushing aside of their concerns as inconsequential or trivial by those who simply cannot experience the worst of the system from where they stand in their own light-skinned privilege. All of this further demonstrates the reason Black Bajans are upset at the guy's appointment.
If Dr. Tafari does not get these issues then I do not see him really advancing the cause of black liberation. I reiterate that he should have not accepted the job and stated clearly that he is simply not the ideal and most progressive symbol for such a movement for African people and suggested one of the many blacks that I am sure he did learn much from.
As for you, your conduct on this reasoning has been inane and deplorable. You are quite quick to point out who is impeding the cause of black liberation yet cannot even see how your own conduct is the problem. It is identical to the arrogance, intolerance and ignorance of many white and light skinned ones in our midst that in so many ways insidiously work at truly impeding our own progress.
PS: Do not persist in using such inflammatory, derogatory words in your posts. We are not all Americans, and you are not speaking to casual friends.
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