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*****The indigenous peoples did'nt need them because they KNEW without written text******
But you notice that especially descendants for indigenous people are the ones fused to and protecting and sworn to their writs. What does that show you? What happened to cause them to not look at what is right in front of them and seek someone else's written stories?
*******That does not mean that information was'nt passed down orally though,does it.There have also been various story tellers in history of oral traditions that have been co-erced to corrupt their stories to spread mis-information and create certain ignorances amongst people. ********
But not when those stories can be observed and experienced for oneself. The key here is OBSERVATION and EXPERIENCE.
There is not one single culture where "holy writ" was not instilled upon the masses by the powerhead. Do you think the powerhead was careless enough to release info/truth that would call into question their status?
From what I have seen WITHOUT EXCEPTION, holy writ was used to dull our Natural instincts in order to transition our guidance from Nature and direct our attention/allegiance to the human controller. Or correct me and tell me how writ has improved a culture's harmony with nature.
All it has done was improve human obedience to whatever human hierarchy arrangement is in their area. Again, because we naturally overstand "as above so below", all we need is to be converted/convinced of the controller's version of "as above". If we buy into his version of 'as above', we accept "so below" along the same characteristics.
God/Male = Male/God
as above = singular divine male authoritative figure
so below = singular human male authoritative figure
belief in a wrathful male God above
belief in a wrathful male Man below
belief in a ruling/dominating/controlling God
belief in a ruling/dominating/controlling Man
belief in material/egotistical rewards above (after death)
belief in material/egotistical rewards below (before death)
Like I have said, afrikans have more in common with pagan euros than with black semites, namely the acknowledgment and affirmation of the divine feminine essence spiritually, cosmically and terrestrially. This is easily detected by the omission of the feminine divine in judeo-christian and islamic (all 3 are semitic/semi-truth) text and practice.
See, I am waiting for someone to tell me how Afrika was just overrun with murders and stealing until Moses came down with the ten commandments and how those crimes subsided once folks heard and read that there was a divine law against such acts.
I am waiting for someone to tell me how South Americans and Pacific Islanders would slap around and dishonor their parents until the white settlers showed up and spread the "good news" about honoring thy parents.
I am dying to find out how ones were out of touch with the Creator before they were exposed to the Genesis story of creation so they could beware of the treacherous female and have dominion over the earth (although a microscopic germ can kill them).
Those answers would show me how 'the' bible improved the lives of the 'savages' also known as the indigenous.
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