Although Per em Heru is the ealrliest text known to most of InI, however the Pyramid text, as well as the falcon text predates Per em Heru. However all three books mentioned are from Ifrica, and Ifrican indigenous peoples. The Holy Piby along with all Ifrican books worked well for InI. It is I recorded history of Ifrca, and InI relationship to Jah/God. As I stated before, I am in a state of being God on earth, as well as all black men and wombmen. I man trancend all babylonian outdoctrination. But keep this in mind I, the books never hurted InI. It is the enemies of Ifrica who exploited certian of InI books and used those books to enslave the host of Ifrica. A book is only positive depending on who's hands the book is in. A gun in the enemies hands is used to enslave, conquer, and destroy. However a gun in InI hands may be used for hunting and protection from wild animals. Therefore should InI blame the gun, or the man holding the smoking gun?