I do not have to answer any of your questions, you are describing the distribution of Justice as Job, a simple job, but you do not seems to realize the the higher powers of this Universe, will be the great distributer of Justice, and that Justice shall be distributed in a manner, which will cause the inhabitant6s of this earth to tremble with fear, when babylon's calamity shall come upon them, and be seen openly by the people upon this earth. Yes, indeed, we are proclaiming Africa for Africans thosec at home and those abroad. Yes, we are proclaiming that the crimes which were committed against African humanity, and the abondonedment of African people, in the lands of captivity, in the western hemisphere must be corrected. Yes, we are telling you all that the gates must be open so that African people can Repatriate. Yes, we are declaring, that the Europeans owe slave trading obligations, to African people as a result of their criminal invasion of Mama Africa, and the kidnapping of African people across the middle passage, to the slave plantations of the western world. Many African leaders and their folowers were murdered by Europeans, because they agitated for the rights of African people, leaders like Paul Bogle, Patrice Lumumba, Samuel Sharpe, Tacky the African Chief, George William Gordon, Steve Biko, amd so many more who are known and unknown. Our lamentations over these situations will continue, as long as this great universe allows us to breathe fresh air.The Europeans have their own affairs to attend to, and that is to teach their own people, that they must find ways and means to make amends, for the crimes which have been committed against African people, and is yet to be Justified, for the past more than five hundred years. If you want you can cut and paste again. The journey of life continues. Take the best care of yourself and your people.
Again I send many oceans of blessings and self determination to African people everywhere.
Baba Ras Marcus.