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When Marcus Garvey told African people, that a King will be crowned in Ethiopa, and that we as black people, should look up to Him as one of our leaders, it was based on Africa for Africans those at home and those abroad. So, in those days, Rastafari people were speaking of Africa for the Africans those at home and those abroad, we were at that time teaching against the slave trading activities, as well as the slave masters and their children, who inherited the wealth which was made from slave trading activities.
Marcus Garvey himself and the Universal Negro Improvement Association, did not allow Europeans, to be a part of his organization, since they were the same people who enslaved us, and since we were still in the lands of captivity 3even until this very day. They could stand around and listen to him teaching at his meetings, but they were not allowed to become members of his organization. They could always be sympathisers, hoping to try to correct the ways of their ancestors, but they were never allowed to become a part of the movement, much less to put themselves in a position, to become leaders of black people. In the early days, the Rastafari People's movement was the same way, but as the years went by, and the movement remain in poverty, the movement has changed, and today there are many Europeans who have taken up leadership positions in the movement, because, they are financially equipt, and by sharing their gifts, the original principles are bended to facilitate their leadership. Europeans who think that their ancestors have done wrong to black people, can work sincerely to try to make the corrections, since they are the inheriters of the wealth which was made from slavery, they can pay reparations by making contributions to Rastafari People's organization, but they should not at any time, try to put themselves into leadership positions, of the Rastafari people's movemant. This should not allow to take place, and they themselves, should be a shame, to put themselves into leadershuip position, when they are aware, that their ancestors have not yet corrected their dirty deeds which were committed against African people everywhere. The journey of life continues. Take the best care of yourselves and your people. Again I send many oceans of blessinmgs and self determination tom African people everywhere.
Baba Ras Marcus.
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