Repatriation For Africans, Ignored For 500 Years.
After more than 500 years of brutal mechandising, of African people in the western Hemisphere, the just cause and call for Repatriation, has been completely ignored by European governments and their people. None of the European Governments who particpated in slave trading activities, have ever taken any actions, towards Repatriation and restoration, of African people to the land of their origin. How can people steal the property of other people, and still have it in their position, and expect to be hanging around the victims, laughing and talking, as if they have done nothing wrong? Europeans must take the responsibilties for what Europeans have done to other races upon the face of this earth.
There is no good reason for Europeans to come to the villages of African people, and pretend that they are with the traditions and cultural value sytems of African people, when there is important work to be done, among their own European people, as it relate to reminding then, that Justice as it relates to the Repatriation of African people, is still being ignored, and needs to be activated in one way or another. Africans did not take Europeans from Europe and have them enslaved in Africa, it is therefore, Europeans who need to be educated, about the rights of Repatriation for African people, Africans have been agitating for Repatriation for more than 500 years, so, it is full time that those of you as Europeans, who consider yourselves to be conscious, to let your actions speak louder than your words. Tell your own people and government, to open the gates let us Repatriate. The journey of life continues. Take the best care of yourself and your people.
Again I send many oceans of blessings and self determination to African people everywhere.
Baba Ras Marcus.