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Birds and other animals, are always praising the Creator of this great Universe, I hear them every night and everyday, as they sing their praises to the Creator of this great universe. But each set of birds have their own culture, tradition and language, the sound and music which you hear from a black bird, is not the sound and music which you here from a white bird or any other bird, they all have their own ways of life. The Creator created each kind of bird to sing together, and praise him together in their own language and culture, as they fly around and flock together in the trees, having the same kind of feather. Learn this, whenever you see a flock of birds flying, they are usually of the same color and feather, and they always sing in the same language. There are various kinds of Ants upon the face of this earth, there are red ants, black ants, big ants and small ants, but they are never seen hanging out together unless they are of the same kind. Then the roar of the lion carries a different sound from the songs of the elephant, you should know that, it is because they are from various different culture, and they speak different languages. As big and strong as the elephant is, you will never see him kill a tiger cat or a deer, and then he and his family have it for dinner, for that is not the culture of the Elephant, but as for the lion, he acts like he is the criminal of the jungle, so, he lies in ambush, and kill and eat any animal that he can manage, but he will not interfare with the big strong elephant. I am trying to point out to you, that we are all different, as the birds and other creatures are different, but I had to take you into the forest, just to see if that will help you to face these realities.
Now the various creatures upon this earth, and in the jungle or forest, generally Assemble with their own kind, and praise the creator in their own culture and language, playing their own music kind of music together, and share with each other as best as they can. It is just hard for me to see, why the Europeans, the Indians, the Chinese and all other races of people, cannot stay with there own people, and praise the creator in their own language and culture. even if they believe that Haile I Sellassie I is the creator. If the birds and other creatures can do this, what seems to be the difficulties, for Europeans and others to do the sanme thing. And yet there are somethings which they stay together and do, because, they stayed together when they were invading Mama Africa, and brutalizing African people across the middle passage, and for more than five hundred years, they stayed together and brutalized African people on the slave plantations, and they also stayed together, when they were abondoning African people, in these slave trading lands of captivity. The journey of life continues. Take the best care of yourself and your people.
Again I send many oceans of blessings and self determination to African people everywhere.
Baba Ras Marcus.
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