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Re: Bantu Keilani, you are so right

You said: “… I couldn’t decipher your meaning in me -- [i.e. PatriotWarrior] -- ‘trying to please both parties’, but then adding that what you yourself are doing is to [Quote] “try my best to uplift those blacks that care for continentals struggle …” [End quote]. What blacks are you trying to uplift that ‘care for continentals struggle’ (if I may ask)?! I found this somewhat self-ish of you ... Why put my identity in that, if I may ask? Do you really need to mention me, or to make such an OVERTLY unfair and unbalanced comparison, just so that you can make your point felt? … Or could you explain to me what you really meant by such a biting comparison? …”
I look forward to you answering me on this in your next reply. But for now, here it goes: … “

Indeed, it seems you act like you want to please Diasporians pointing fingers at me and continentals, when the topic here is about the hypocrisy of Diaporian Africanists claiming to care for Africa and continentals but they make excuses to covert their lack of interest of the situations in Africa. Most of them don’t care about human rights abuse in Africa. We must condemn and fight such insensitivity as much as you are willing to criticize continental Africans. It’s only fair.

Also, I didn’t know you were form Zambia and not Zimbabwe. I assumed wrongly I apologize for that. With that said I could care less about your antagonist feelings towards me, I just honestly say what I have to say, and I support the struggles that are directly related to the defense of my people. I am supposed to be "selfish," "power-hungry," "emotional," and "dictatorial" to think about the best interest for Congolese people and continentals (when all blacks do the same in their personal interest for their own countries and peoples)? So be it.

I was born in Congo where I spent many years until my late teenager years. I went back there 4 years ago. This country is mine and even though I am stuck in America because of immigration troubles my heart and soul is over there. I am only living in the US also to support my family back home, that’s why I am here, that’s what they want me to do. Soon however I will be engaging the struggle in Congo. Because, as you rightly said, the ultimate responsibility for peace and development in the Motherland comes form the shoulders of continental Africans! I take this imperative seriously.

You said: ´Honestly, I don’t think you’re a leader! “

I have the pretension to be the leader of anybody. If my posts are unpopular I don’t care if I write about reality, the positive and the undesirable. A true freedom fighter doesn’t share ideas and experiences to win popularity contests. I am not an hypocrite; if I am not comfortable with the status quo I say so.


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Bantu Keilani, you are so right
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Re: Bantu Keilani, you are so right
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Re: Bantu Keilani, you are so right
Re: Bantu Keilani, you are so right

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