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Re: Bantu Keilani, you are so right

Greetings Bantu,

Thank you very much for your last, very frank post. I appreciated it!

You really tried to answer me from your point of view of seeing these things (and your words didn’t at all surprise me), but terribly failed to answer my very first and, therefore, most important question posed to you, viz. (and as I wrote):

“… I couldn’t decipher your meaning in me -- [i.e. PatriotWarrior] -- ‘trying to please both parties’, but then adding that what you yourself are doing is to [Quote] “try my best to uplift those blacks that care for continentals struggle …” [End quote]. What blacks are you trying to uplift that ‘care for continentals struggle’ (if I may ask)?! I found this somewhat self-ish of you ... Why put my identity in that, if I may ask? Do you really need to mention me, or to make such an OVERTLY unfair and unbalanced comparison, just so that you can make your point felt? … Or could you explain to me what you really meant by such a biting comparison? …”

I look forward to you answering me on this in your next reply. But for now, here it goes: …


You wrote:

“Your own knowledge concerning Africa is biased but you lack the wisdom to see it yourself. Instead of supporting our Continental folks, you rather chose to blame me … You as a black man form Zimbabwe should represent Africa, so you need to develop ideological strategy to support Continental African peoples. Many posters on this board do the same for their Diasporian peoples and most of them have brought important exposure on the Caribbean or Africa America issues. Why won’t you do the same? “

Huh! Again, many thanks for that! I really consider this a BIG MOCKERY of me, though ... And you very badly contradict yourself, or what you say you stand for.

Firstly, I must correct you that I am not a Zimbabwean, but more a Zambian/South African, though that really makes no difference in the way I see it, since I consider myself a Continental Afrikan, above all else … (if you choose to devalue that as “foolish” or as lacking “wisdom” is your own business, since I am not here to please you; see?!!!). You see, you yourself are now ‘arguing in circles’ -- (like your ‘bro’ Masimba Musodza) -- because anyone who has followed my simple contributions to these boards – (as I think you have to an extent, knowing that you’ve commented on some of them …) -- would not MOCK me or pretend to teach me how to support Continental Afrikan peoples -- in writing. My very earliest posts to these forums can easily confirm that: that this is true, indeed the basis of my posting here, the very reason why I write! I ‘came’ here after you, of course, but I have stood for *Continental* Afrikan issues long before, … and now here, even where you yourself never commented, in case you pretend to forget that; such as the Land Issues in South Afrika, Namibia, Zimbabwe … (my earliest posts to the other forum).

Here are the 3 links to help remind you that what you are saying is not true, but most likely fabricated by your own selfish imagination:

Consciousness and African Renaissance:

Namibia Plans “White” Land Seizures:

Haiti in Hell:

You may or may not refer to those threads, that’s your choice.

You further wrote:

“I am not surprised you talk about the relation between Continentals in Europe because you live in Europe. However as you said yourself on these boards, you live isolated from Continental Africans, you live among white folks in Germany with whom you have close relationships. Me on the other hand I live among Continentals and black Americans in the US, even intimately with a black American, I learn from them everyday. So you have personal experiences, and I have mine. It seems the word "Nationalism" means something for all of them. Why not me?? Borther Patriot Warrior, we are not living in a "global black village" these days, so don’t come here saying I’m selfish...when no ones cares of the horrendous civil wars in Congo and in Africa in general you cannot not ask me, a Congolese Patriot to deemphasize my country, and realize you cannot feel the same pain as I for my country as I cannot feel the same degree of your concerns for your country. Besides, it has been said many times on this board and out there that we should owe to our own country. So I focus on my roots politically and morally, and you find me selfish? Patriot Warrior, my brother, please don’t be false, my mentality is just a critical self-interest, this attitude is seriously being supported in black America, in in the black Diaspora in general, even among the community of the bravest Afrocentrists or black Nationalists.”

Bantu, yes, I can (also) talk about relations between Continentals in Europe because I live in Europe, but who told you that I don’t know the American situation, or that I’ve never been there before? For you to write that I “live isolated from Continental Africans, … live among white folks in Germany with whom I have close relationships.” is VERY SILLY, nosy and a big insult to me! This makes me very angry with you, Bantu! What’s your business in that? Do you know where I live or with whom, for you to mis-judge me? Who judged you and where you live or with whom? I have many white friends and black friends and other friends here in Europe, yes, because I mainly grew up here, but so what??! Do you expect me to see it as my fault that I live in a society of mostly white people??? … I repeat: That’s *really duff*, to make such a charge about someone you don’t even know! You have your own experiences in life, I have mine, right?!! You shouldn’t try to be so arrogant as to teach me how to live or how to think, ... to *limit everything to the fact that I live in Europe* … (as if I’m actually not an Afrikan). If anything, living in Europe has actually OPENED my eyes, has also helped me to understand ‘White Culture’ more, … freed me from mental slavery, if you will, so that I am able, today, to stand up for my Afrikan culture and to do so by freely comparing the European with my own Afrikan culture, and not to be brainwashed, or to “play whitey”! It has taught me to check myself, so that I don’t wreck myself, since first-hand experience is the best teacher! You have your experiences over there, for sure, but the mistake you’re making now, as ever, is to downplay other people’s diverse experiences -- (people you actually don’t even know a thing about!!) -- but then prop up yours as supreme ... That’s immature, arrogant, selfish and blind! I have never told you to de-emphasize your country or culture; quite the contrary! On the other hand, it is you who bitterly points fingers at others/Afrikans (such as me), those who choose to stand up for real CONTINENTAL -- (i.e. not national or French-) -- Afrikan affairs. Now, that’s a wide difference between those two adjectives … Your attitude is too self-righteous, SELFISH(!), to say the least! … But I even ask you: When last were you in Afrika yourself??

You wrote:

“Be a real African and debate brother Masimba Musodza yourself, what do you want me to say to him you have not already said about his scornful views at President Mugabe? If you want to lump me with him you have to make sure I support most of his views, which I don’t, so you have to start addressing him yourself on President Mugabe, show how important this decency is to you. And I know about his attitude on this baord, I just respond to this thread he initiated as I have things to say on the topic at hand here.”

Now, that was another big joke coming from you, Bantu, and it made me laugh! Bantu, you can never teach me what to be a “real African” is; I already know that, you see; so don’t waste your time here to tell me to be a “real African”! On the other hand, you can’t be serious to advise me to “debate [your] brotha Masimba Musodza”, when you know very well that I’ve already battled the guy in debate (and he lost … bitterly!). You should know that by now, except your memory fails you … (again)!! Why should I WASTE MY TIME to debate someone who appears to already know everything, someone who is never in a serious state of mind to debate Afrikan political issues -- (and hardly any Zimbabwean ones) -- seriously, except for his usual tantrums and titbits and quotations borrowed from the white propaganda press, to back himself up with? Haven’t you seen that yourself??! You can’t be serious yourself, I tell you, to attempt to “advise” me to debate this guy. He already has his two posts from me, waiting for his replies! But anyway, you can always tell him to reply to this post at least, and then both -- or *ALL THREE* -- of us will see how that debate goes … To throw back that challenge at you, why don’t you advise him to face me in this debate, which he himself mischievously started? … Honestly, you still don’t see that Masimba misused your post? Or where is he now, if he really wanted combat, or to contribute to the course of these discussions??! For sure he reads all this, but where is he hiding now????! …

You wrote:

“… I make sure all black heroes and teachers are given respect when they deserve it, with that black peoples are more prepared, and more proud. But I will not black encourage insensitivity, and apathy it’s not taking care of Congolese civilians and countless Africans victims of massacres ok? I am only about talking about human rights abuses. Then, Africa is seriously to be examining as it’s reaped with civil wars, and genocides promoted by the Western military and mining companies. I talk about my people, I help my people the ones who suffers most disasters form many countries and you know this.”



I take from all these remarks of yours that you choose to respect yourself more than others, even when they respect you … at least over the Internet. Your arrogance and self-righteousness -- at least over the Internet -- does not surprise me at all. You’re personal where you should be continental, emotional where you should be sensible, sensitive where you should be pragmatic, individualistic where you should be “collective” … To me, you come over as such: at least over the Internet ... Still, it appears to me that you’re actually more a “Congolese Nationalist” other than a CONTINENTAL Afrikan Patriot. A Nationalist Afrikan Patriot is only continental if he/she supports the idea of a Bigger Afrika, with no national or cultural or colo(u)r boundaries: meaning, also encompassing the ideals and multitudes of Afrikans in the Diaspora, whatever color they may be!! … That’s my understanding. But you, on the other hand, do not cherish this idea, that’s the impression I’m getting from you. You’re quick at personalizing & generalizing and pointing fingers at others -- including other CONTINENTAL Afrikans -- once you feel they don’t back you, or don’t back you anymore … That’s a grave pity! Really sad!! I think you’re actually power-hungry, too emotional and almost dictatorial in fact! Perhaps you even live in fear.

Honestly, I don’t think you’re a leader!

Anyway, you must just know that WE, Afrikans, care about what’s happening in the Congo, even when we may not address these issues all the time, as they keep recurring.

Nevertheless, ...



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Bantu Keilani, you are so right
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Re: Bantu Keilani, you are so right

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