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Re: Bantu Keilani, you are so right

You said: “ However, I still find your analyses of Afrikan civil society generally lacking, almost biased: you seem to miss out on many issues, issues that don’t even necessarily have to concern Diaspora Afrikans nor are caused by Diaspora Afrikans. Many issues in Afrika could be resolved by native Afrikans themselves, if only they weren’t brainwashed or mis-educated.”

Your own knowledge concerning Africa is biased but you lack the wisdom to see it yourself. Instead of supporting our Continental folks, you rather chose to blame me. Of course brother Patriot Warrior is right when he talks about Africans affairs branded me ignorant or biased. You as a black man form Zimbabwe should represent Africa, so you need to develop ideological strategy to support Continental African peoples. Many posters on this board do the same for their Diasporian peoples and most of them have brought important exposure on the Caribbean or Africa America issues. Why won’t you do the same?

You said: “ But I’m always seeing you writing so much ONLY about Diasporans being brainwashed and Diasporans being this and that; sure, you’re right (in part), but what about we ourselves, the native Afrikans???! Are we not equally brainwashed then? … “

If you think I spend my time dissing Diasporians, then sorry you are wrong, I talk about many issues that are dear to me. I listen to people everyday, I see for myself the mentality of blacks in western countries is often prejudiced and not on the heart with continentals. Why am I supposed to deny this? If I want to start changing Africans in general, well I need to tell my worries! I am not surprised you talk about the relation between Continentals in Europe because you live in Europe. However as you said yourself on these boards, you live isolated from Continental Africans, you live among white folks in Germany with whom you have close relationships. Me on the other hand I live among Continentals and black Americans in the US, even intimately with a black American, I learn from them everyday. So you have personal experiences, and I have mine. It seems the word "Nationalism" means something for all of them. Why not me?? Borther Patriot Warrior, we are not living in a "global black village" these days, so don’t come here saying I’m selfish...when no ones cares of the horrendous civil wars in Congo and in Africa in general you cannot not ask me, a Congolese Patriot to deemphasize my country, and realize you cannot feel the same pain as I for my country as I cannot feel the same degree of your concerns for your country. Besides, it has been said many times on this board and out there that we should owe to our own country. So I focus on my roots politically and morally, and you find me selfish? Patriot Warrior, my brother, please don’t be false, my mentality is just a critical self-interest, this attitude is seriously being supported in black America, in in the black Diaspora in general, even among the community of the bravest Afrocentrists or black Nationalists.

You said: “ This issue is simply about Divisions, and I addressed these issues in my first post, replying to Masimba’s posting of your article. Let me tell you: Masimba misused your article, in case you didn’t know, to further sow his seeds of discord, for he appears to enjoy that by now. I am not that naïve to be fooled by the likes of Mr Masimba Musodza (or whatever he’s really called). There is simply no sequence in him at all, no coherence … To me, he is just an insolent trouble maker; period! Not that your article has no substance; it’s just the “timing” Masimba chose, and the fact that it comes from Masimba, who, to me, is not even pan-Afrikan, nor has he ever shown me here that he honestly defends the interests of any Afrikans anywhere. He seems to defend only his arrogant Zimbabwean self!! He isn’t community-oriented or consensus-oriented; he’s just a bully and a fake, but a very weak one at that (as far as I am concerned)! That’s my honest opinion. In addition, I can’t see why Masimba, who is always too showy and (apparently) likes boasting about his ‘Queen’s English’, would pick a post of yours, instead of one that he crafted himself; don’t you really see that Masimba just used your post deviously? Because I would really love to see the both of you scream and shout at each other about His excellency Robert Mugabe!! I’ll wait for that … I guess I would have the last, loud laugh!! …
(After all, Masimba has so far quarrelled with many people here, carefree, Afrikans … and he has even insulted many people on this board so far, including the owners of these sites!) “

Be a real African and debate brother Masimba Musodza yourself, what do you want me to say to him you have not already said about his scornful views at President Mugabe? If you want to lump me with him you have to make sure I support most of his views, which I don’t, so you have to start addressing him yourself on President Mugabe, show how important this decency is to you. And I know about his attitude on this baord, I just respond to this thread he initiated as I have things to say on the topic at hand here.

You said: “ We must NEVER forget the impact of Diaspora Afrikans on the political liberation of Continental Afrika: I think of Marcus Garvey, Malcolm X, Martin Luther King etc, and my point becomes obvious ... To therefore negate these factors is generally unfair and lacking, in my view, and to forget the apathy & selfishness of Continental Afrikans themselves is even more unfair … “

WHY I will do that? I make sure all black heroes and teachers are given respect when they deserve it, with that black peoples are more prepared, and more proud. But I will not black encourage insensitivity, and apathy it’s not taking care of Congolese civilians and countless Africans victims of massacres ok? I am only about talking about human rights abuses. Then, Africa is seriously to be examining as it’s reaped with civil wars, and genocides promoted by the Western military and mining companies. I talk about my people, I help my people the ones who suffers most disasters form many countries and you know this.

You said: “Most times, it is not what you say that matters, but HOW you say it! ”

I can’t change the curse that has been caste upon Africa and its people. I write about what I see and feel.


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Bantu Keilani, you are so right
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Re: Bantu Keilani, you are so right

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