If you will just turn the pages of your memories, you will easily realize, that all that I am trying to say here, is that none of us really know what the future will bring, and therefore, each of us must learn to expect the unexpected. I do think that we can learn from our mistakes, but I am aware that the mistakes which some people make, kills them, while others learn from those same mstakes. I therefore, consider mistakes to be great teachers to those who are willing to learn from their mistakes, and try their best not to make the same mistakes again. It is not very often that a coconut will fall off a tree and kill some one, there are large coconut walks in some places, and there are professional climbers who climb those trees, to pick coconuts for the market place. It is not very often that a coconuts will fall off a tree on less there is a strong wind blowing. A coconut usually does not fall from a coconut tree, unless it is bone dry, or it is picked by a climber, or if there is a high strong wind blowing. But there are things which take place in life which none of us can prevent, since we just do not know what the future will bring. The journey of life continues. Take the best care of yourself and your people.
Again I send many oceans of blessings and self determination to African people everywhere.
Baba Ras Marcus