I just think that wisefulness is much better than wars and weapons of war. In the wars against Ethiopia by the Italian criminals, we have lost many thousands of our nobles and people in general, because of superior weapons. while we had some guns which we bought from our enemies, our enemies had superior weapans, which were more equipt to shoot us down from farer distances. Then there was the poison gas, which they used to spray our people, from there war planes which they were flying above us, and they sprayed everywhere and everything, including our drinking water and our cultivations. There was a little book called war crimes committed in Ethiopa by Bonito Musolene, it shows how they chopped off the heads of the priests and nobles by the thousands.
His Majesty went to England and spend five years in exile, and returned to Ethiopia in the year 1941, and as a result of his historic speech which he gave at the League of Nations, England helped to drive out the Italians out of Ethiopia in 1941. War is a very expensive event, when a country is going to war. that coutry must be able to make its own weapons, instead of depending on other coutries to supply them with weapons. A country have to be able to feed and maintain their soldiers and their families, make your own tanks, planes and general equipment which is needed, and that is why war is so ugly and peace is so very lovely. To make peace, all you have to do, is to think well of everyone, and care for people if and when you can, you really do not need any weapons to make peace. In making peace there is no need to run up your blood pressure, are to cultivate any vexation of spirits. The journey of life continues. Take the best care of yourself and your people.
Again I send many oceans of blessings and self determination to African people everywhere.
Baba Ras Marcus.