Give thanks for your response Judah, I hope you are doing fine. I have heard so many stories from bible teachers and others, saying that a time will come, when the lion and the lamb will lay down together, under the same tree, and there will be peace among them and no violence, well the time as not yet come, but this is not something that I can prove will happen, so, I have decided not to teach that to any one, until I can really see it taking place, then I would not have to teach it, because it would then be seen by everyone, every eyes would behold it. In the meantime, all that I am seeing now is violence everywhere, among mankind, and among all other living creatures, so,that is the reason, why I would reason with his Majesty, and ask him those very important questions. The journey of life continues. Take the best care of yourself and your people.
Again I send many oceans of blessings and self determination to African people everywhere.
Baba Ras Marcus