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Rastafari Speaks

Re: go figure, rastas FOR technology and politrick

bro, I see your point.

Look, shoes are technology (technically) and I am not indicting shoes neither. But I can elaborate on the missing connection between us and Earth because of shoes.

I am sure Oshun can speak on shamans or others who purposely walk barefoot to stay in physical harmony/contact with Earth. WHY? It must mean that shoes cause some sort of disconnect. Now I hope ones down quote the riot act on how shoes protect us from thorns and parasites or whatever.

I could also write how high-heeled shoes are intentionally used to separate wombmen from natural/spiritual contact, similar to the demonizing of midwifery by the puritanical europeans.

But it is not about that. And I won't go in to all of that.

Many times ones want to polarize my sights as indictments when it is simply observations.

BTW, I can also include some negative things about bikes...but let just say that I clearly see your point.

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Re: go figure, rastas FOR technology and politrick
Re: go figure, rastas FOR technology and politrick
Re: go figure, rastas FOR technology and politrick
Re: go figure, rastas FOR technology and politrick
Thank you Auset! Iron sharpens Iron! *NM*
Re: go figure, rastas FOR technology and politrick
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Re: go figure, rastas FOR technology and politrick *LINK*
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Re: go figure, rastas FOR technology and politrick
Re: go figure, rastas FOR technology and politrick

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