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AfricaSpeaksRastafariSpeaksCheik Anta Diop

Rastafari Speaks

Re: go figure, rastas FOR technology and politrick

*******Via your questions above, are you coming from the premise that indigenous societies had no technology/politics? *******

No that is not what I am saying.

I am simply saying that no matter the reason, no matter the intent, the matter the accomplishment, technology REPLACES what we would otherwise do with our own energies/abilities.

This is not an indictment. EXAMPLE: if I use something as simple as a boat, and we know a boat is not "babylonic" per se, but using a boat still eliminates my need to swim. Thus after using a boat for a timeframe and teaching younger generations to use boats, eventually the sharpness/keenness of swimming wears off.

Same with rifles. As a person familiar with hunting and military practices, I can tell you that dependency on weaponry has dulled the "warrior" skill. In fact, that is a huge criticism of today's US military. Since the onus has been put on sophistocated weaponry, the instinctiveness of the soldier has declined. That is being proven today and it was definitely proven in the jungles of Vietnam against the French and then the Americans...and it was proven to the Soviets in Afghanistan.

That is my point. MAN loses natural abilities by utilizing technology. plain and simple. Man loses communion/harmony with Nature. Plain and simple.

Part of the health problems in America today are because folks drive everywhere instead of walking and use microwaves instead of holistic cooking. Walking is harmony with the earth. Cooking is harmony with the earth/fire essences.

Part of the problems with children today is that they expect EVERYTHING NOW. Only technology causes a HEAR and NOW mindset. That is because there becomes a disassociation between the Nature/Time communion, one way or another.

It is an inevitable by-product of technology in any form.

All I am giving is an acknowledgment of that, not an indictment.

Technology, Politics, Hierarchy are ALL man-made and all in the same category.

Anytime we are deprived of the earth/water/air/fire communion, there is going to be a problem. We need to overstand the spiritual impacts and not just the benefits to the physical.

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Re: go figure, rastas FOR technology and politrick
Re: go figure, rastas FOR technology and politrick
Re: go figure, rastas FOR technology and politrick
Re: go figure, rastas FOR technology and politrick
Thank you Auset! Iron sharpens Iron! *NM*
Re: go figure, rastas FOR technology and politrick
Re: go figure, rastas FOR technology and politrick
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Re: go figure, rastas FOR technology and politrick
Re: go figure, rastas FOR technology and politrick

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