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Rastafari Speaks

Re: What is this 'New Age' all about??

*******Or it could just mean a new consciousness (or form of control) is awakening*******


As a new consciousness arises, so does a new form of control.

This is because evolution/revolution is the natural function of the universe, and we are instinctively aligned with this function. HOWEVER, we are distracted and corrupted by the egotistical comforts of "modern" civilization in the form of technology. So our alignment is distracted.

The controllers throw pseudo-revolution (pseudo-change) in our face to CONVINCE us that we are changing/evolving/revolving as we should. It's like sticking a pacifier in a crying baby's mouth instead of giving it nourishing milk (truth).

In order to prevent a REAL revolution, the controllers give us their contrived versions of it...the key code-words are 'faith' and 'hope' and 'change' does that not sound familiar?

We are CLEARLY entering an age of global warming. But if you check data, you will see that Earth ALWAYS goes through periodic/cyclical warmings and coolings. We had a recent Ice "age" and then the Earth cooled (about 40,000 years ago. It formed the Great Lakes in North America)

But so that the controllers can still maintain their order/supremacy, they infiltrate and manipulate the "green" and ecological so-called solutions. Its a dog and pony show giving the illusion of transition, just like democratic politicians vs. republican politicians. Its like manipulating a war AND controlling the Red Cross or other 'humanitarian' aid.

Do you think the Pakistani and Afghani women and children can feel the "change" of Obama/Biden ordered bombings compared to Bush/Cheney ordered bombings???

Is the shrapnel the splits aparts the babies' skulls any nicer because Obama authorized the strikes instead of Bush???

THERE IS CONSTANT CHANGE. But there are points of demarcation/snapshots highlighted by controller-man.

If man has been in existence for 100,000+ years then this is his 4th Age of Aquarius.


Messages In This Thread

What is this 'New Age' all about??
Re: What is this 'New Age' all about??
correction: every 2,150 years or so. *NM*
Re: correction: every 2,150 years or so.
Re: correction: every 2,150 years or so.
Esoteric Agenda *LINK*
Re: Esoteric Agenda
Re: Esoteric Agenda
Re: Esoteric Agenda *LINK*
Re: Esoteric Agenda
Re: Esoteric Agenda
Re: What is this 'New Age' all about??
Re: What is this 'New Age' all about??
Re: What is this 'New Age' all about??
Re: What is this 'New Age' all about??
Re: What is this 'New Age' all about??
Re: What is this 'New Age' all about??
Re: What is this 'New Age' all about??
Re: What is this 'New Age' all about??
Re: What is this 'New Age' all about??
Re: What is this 'New Age' all about??
Re: What is this 'New Age' all about??
Re: who/what is the 'system' *NM*
Re: What is this 'New Age' all about??
Re: What is this 'New Age' all about??
Re: What is this 'New Age' all about??
Re: What is this 'New Age' all about??
Re: What is this 'New Age' all about??
Re: What is this 'New Age' all about??
word/power *NM*
Re: What is this 'New Age' all about??
Re: What is this 'New Age' all about??
Re: What is this 'New Age' all about??
Re: What is this 'New Age' all about??
Dinner Time *NM*
Re: Dinner Time
Re: What is this 'New Age' all about??
Re: What is this 'New Age' all about??
go figure, rastas FOR technology and politricks... *NM*
Re: go figure, rastas FOR technology and politrick
Re: go figure, rastas FOR technology and politrick
Re: go figure, rastas FOR technology and politrick
Re: go figure, rastas FOR technology and politrick
Re: go figure, rastas FOR technology and politrick
Re: go figure, rastas FOR technology and politrick
Re: go figure, rastas FOR technology and politrick
Re: go figure, rastas FOR technology and politrick
Thank you Auset! Iron sharpens Iron! *NM*
Re: go figure, rastas FOR technology and politrick
Re: go figure, rastas FOR technology and politrick
Re: go figure, rastas FOR technology and politrick
Lets use your boat analogy...
Re: Lets use your boat analogy...
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Re: Strawman vs Aquaman *LINK*
Re: go figure, rastas FOR technology and politrick *LINK*
Re: go figure, rastas FOR technology and politrick
Re: go figure, rastas FOR technology and politrick
Then again...
The mother of invention...
Re: The mother of invention... *LINK*
Re: go figure, rastas FOR technology and politrick
Re: go figure, rastas FOR technology and politrick

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