Blessed love,
Jah Rastafari is love, so let us all love: Holy Emmanuel I, Selassie I, Jah Rastafari.
Out of Jah Rastafari comes all things. With respect the concept of "vine and fig tree"; I and I must all return to our original home where we were birth. If the world continues on the present path there will be war, crime and violence.When we all return under our own vine and fig tree, then there will be international peace and security for all. There will be no need to fight any more because every nation would then be inherriting thier God given rights.
It is one Aim, one God and one destiny for the Ethiopians/Africans at home and abroad.
Out of one comes all, out of the Black Christ came all nations in righteousness of salvation. Satan devises his own means of confusion to deceive you and the others who are susceptible to his tricks and lies.
Every nation must return to thier own vine and fig tree. However in the Kingdom of righteousness it is one Jah Rastafari for us all, although elect from all nations will be there.
Priest Bailey.