If you think that you are full of knowledge and you do not need any more, then that is just the way that you are thinking, and I have no intention of trying to stop you from thinking in that manner, since I have already shared my views with you regarding this matter. If you wish to speak at all times, and do not listen to others, whether you are in a assemble with people, or you be on the telephone, go right ahead, just keep on talking and do not listen to others, and I am certain that it won't take you very long, to learn that lesson which you must learn, with that kind of display. All the rivers run into the Sea, yet the Sea is never full, all the knowledge which flows into our mental faculties on daily basis, still does not cause our mental faculties to be full. The journey of life continues. Take the best care of yourselves and your people.
Again I send many oceans of blessings and self determination to African people everywhere
Baba Ras Marcus.