All the rivers do not overflow their banks the same way every day, it all depends on how much rain falls, and how many mountains the water is flowing from. Sometimes it is so rough that it wash away houses and cows and people, another time it just come down light as a result of how much rain was falling. How can I say that the Mississippi river is the same as River Jordon or the river Nile, there is a literal difference in size and in power. I must disagree with you on this subject, we are not the same as our parent and our elders, they came before us and did the work which was given to them to do, and we learn from them and our children learn from us literally speaking. There are so many tubs, but each tub will be sitting on its own bottom. The journey of life continues. Take the best care of yourself and your people.
Again I send many oceans of blessings and self determination to African people everywhere
Baba Ras Marcus.