I have always taught upon this forum, that there are various different races of people upon the face of this earth. I think that India is for the Indians, China for the Chinese, Europe for the Europeans etc, and Africa for the Africans, those at home and those abroad. I do not like strangers living in my Village as I have always said on this great Forum of reasoning. I think that the world can be a very peaceful place, if each race of people will be allowed to abide under there own Vine and Fig tree. All of that rule has been broken and strangers is being allowed, into the gates of Rastafari people today on a daily basis. There are black people today who are having white people as their sleeping mates, and bringing about mixed race children, and this is widely spread, and spreading much wider in these days. So, what are we going to do about all of this, the Universe allows all of this to happen, and all we can do is to talk about it, but it is still going on all over this world. The journey of life continues. Take the best care of yourself and your people.
Again I send many oceans of blessings and self determination to African people everywhere.
Baba Ras Marcus.