Well, it is a very good thing if we could get
them to Iverstand, exactly what they are doing, while they are in the act of doing it. They have to be taught that while they are in the act of praying, they are not really praying to a source of power, which is really far away, in distant lands and places, they must come to realize, that they are talking to the great Internal powers, which functions inside each of us, as well as in all living Creatures. Indeed this power is not seen, because they cannot see the words which they are speaking, nor the thoughts which they are thinking, but they can truly feel the power of their own reasoning, deep inside their selves. It is a very mystical thing, or a very Iyayistical thing if you prefer. The journey of life continues. Take the best care of yourselves and your people.
Again Isend many oceans of blessings and self determination to African people everywhere.
Baba Ras Marcus.