I have to change your topic in this post, just to see if we can get along with the reasoning. What have you learned about human beings and all other Creatures, since you have been living upon this earth. Did you learn that they were born as infants, and grow up from infants into childhood, then became adults, not all of them, since some of them pass away when they are young, while others pass away as adults, while others grow up to become very old people, and then pass away in the end. There is no reason to deny this, because this must be the experience of each of us as long as we live upon the face of this earth. I know that this is very hard for you to talk about, but their must be people who you have known, and used to talk to, who have passed away. I know you have your own opinions about this matter, but how can we edify each other, if we are afraid to reason upon the subject. How can we learn from each other, if we refuse to reason with each other about this matter. I cannot take away your opinion from you, but I cannot know what you are thinking if you refuse to reason. Let me hear from you on this subject, it has become a very important subject among Rastafari people today, even as I write to you. The journey of life continues. Take the best care of yourself and your people.
Again I send many oceans of blessings and self determination to African people everywhere.
Baba Ras Marcus