To be very truthful to you, I do think the people in this world are out of course, as a result of greed, they were taught that it takes greed for them to succeed, and that is what is causing the problems all over this world in which we live. If I am hungry and come across a lovely fruit tree, which I did not plant, and I just stop by and pick a few fruits and eat them, and maybe take a few in my hands, to share when I get home, some one could see me and call me thief, and have me locked away into jail for reaping a few fruits. But if you observe Creation properly, birds and other creatures are picking and eating fruits everyday, from fruit trees which they did not plant. So, the birds seems to be better of than us as human beings, for we are the ones who refuse to use our discretion. The journey of life continues. Take the best care of yourself and your people.
Again I send many oceans of blessings and self determination to African people everywhere.
Baba Ras Marcus