General Nyabinghi, although I have never been to Africa I dare say I am somewhat familiar with a lot of Africans whether continental or not. I'm going to tell you an unfortunate but true fact, half (and I'm being generous here saying "half") of the continental African males around here where I live spend their days chasing after fat, ugly, crass, drunken white girls (no I'm not dissing everyone who is so-called overweight, caucasian, not up to society's "beauty standards", has the occasional pint etc.... I am talking about fat, ugly, crass, drunken white girls) and completely ignoring the beautiful Black African sisters (dark skinned, light skinned and in between) that pass their way every day. But hey... am I complaining? More for me to choose from so that's fine by me.
General Niyabinghi I am not from Africa in this particular physical lifetime, but I am from "the third world", specifically "Guyana", and like the saying goes "[things] is real down there"... it ain't no blasted joke you sight?
Gotta go to work, reason later me brudda... assuming you are a brudda... this is the internet and I don't know anyone's IP address on here... PS are you listening Disciple you paranoid schizophrenic you