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Re: White Rastafarians
In Response To: Re: White Rastafarians ()

greetings in the name of the KING brethren,
well I man ago blaze some fiyah even when is nough man pon di board or even readers of di board naaaw go like dis fiyah,I man love di I reasoning a good fruit so I just a add some preservitives seen,I tired fi hear man a mix rasta wid color di same ones dem wey a big up di bible concept nung dem a talk bout white rasta,rasta no have no color difference,rasta is positive livity,what color is positive? rasta is highly educated what color is education?I never see a white rasta yet,dem read everyday ina genesis sey di sons of god came and took the daughters of men for their wives who were of fair complexion the same ting wey dem label as white,so watch ya,black a lucifer,white man a lucifer,and every nationality, race or color have in lucifer just as the other way round is RASTA,from you is not a child of lucifer then you must be the child of RASTA no matter di garments you wear

fiyah chief.

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