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Re: White Rastafarians
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The term "Ras Tafari" was the Title of His Imperial Majesty, Haile Selassi. Moreover, the Ethiopian Monarchy and the Ethiopian people (including my greatgrandmother who came from Gondar in the 1830's and was sent by the British to the Caribbean), had a history of fighting white invasions. The invaders included the Turks, who were defeated, the Portugese, who were defeated, the Arabs who were defeated and a number of others. The Italians invaded during the reign of Menelik II and Teodorus. The Italians were also defeated. Therefore, Rastafari has been fighting white oppression before the establishment of the movement in Jamaica.

The idea of Rastafari is not simply chanting, drumming, meditating and praising. The ancient origins of Rastafari is among the ancient Egyptian priesthood. If one studies the history of the African warrior-priest tradition, especially in Egypt, Nubia, Ethiopia and India (India is a very important example of white infiltration into a religion that was changed and used to debase the Black Dalits/Untouchables), one will see a movement of spiritual men who were the teachers of knowledge and warriors who stood for justice and self-preservation.

When the Hyksos invaded Egypt, they established their rule, however, there was rebellion soon afterwards because the real power in egypt was the priesthood who recognized the elemental forces and "Gods" representing various aspects of he sun, or various elements of nature. These men throughout Egyptian history were those who stopped the invaders from destroying Egyptian culture. They refused to implement the program ofthe invaders and usually, war and rebelion followed. The Hyksos who were a combination of Whites and Semites were driven out of Egypt by Ahomse the Liberator. The Semitic "Hebrews," are said to have entered Egypt during the invasio of the Hyksos. Yet, the strength of the priesthood was such that eve when foreigners ruled Egypt, the People never changed their religion. These priests who held anciet secrets on science, mathematics and high technology now lost to us, are the forefathers of the Rastafarians.

Is it coincidental that the Rastafarian warrior code (free the oppressed) was sworn to by the Mau Mau of Kenya, or that he Ehiopian warriors swore by that code? What about he Sudanese fightin o LIBERATE THEIR LAND FROM SEMITIC ARAB RELIGIOUS AND CULTURAL IMPERIALIM?? The tradition of Rastafari fighting for freedom and liberation has always been part of the Rastafarian Creed.


It may shock some to know this including many who have been lied to for centuries, but the aboriginial people of India belonged to the Black Negroid-Australoid branch of the African Black race. Scientists have conducted genetic test that show that certain people in India today, specifically, Black Untouchables/Dalits, Black Tribals and Black Aboriginals in the Andaman Islands are in every genetic markup, related to Afrians, while may north-west Indians, and those Indians of Caucasian/Aryan origins who are usually in he higher castes are related to whites in Europe and the Middle East. (More on the ancient trade and cultural connections between India and Africa in the book, "Susu Economics: The History of Pan-African Trade, Commerce, Money and Wealth," pub. by 1stbooks Library, www.1stbooks.com
see a preview also at www.barnesandnoble.com ).

India's Blacks developed a magnificent civilization and a religion that included many great books. Upon the infiltration of the nomads into India and a long series of wars, ( see "Sudrology" http://dalitstan.org ), they eventually took over the original religion and incorporated the racist color "varna" caste system in an effort to gain control. That system still oppreses Black in India today, according to many Indians.

A person's skin color should not matter, however, history is our witness. Are "white Rastafarians," for liberation and fight against oppressio?? If they are then they should help educate their racist societies, where Blacks are the victims. If they are not, then we have to keep with our program of Black upliftment and Black liberation. Rastafarians and Black folk the world over cannot to sleep and we cannot forget that the objectives of Rastafari is the liberation and upliftment of the oppressed.

All we have do is look at how Black music, art, religion, martial art ( capoeira Angola) and many aspects of Black culture has been stolen, corrupted and used. What we will see, particularly in the area of music, is every category of music invented by Blacks, from ragtime to ragae and hip-hop has been and still is copied and used by others. Soon, the Black originators are pushed out of sight and none of the original music is played or controlled by Blacks. This phenomena makes us look like our ancestors who invented and had no rights to their inentions becaue the slavemaster owned them. When others adopt, take or copy Black culture, these are issues we must remember. Yet, we must also be aware that there are those who are genuine in their desire to study, meditate and appreciate Black culture and the Code of Rastafari, which is the dedication to spiritual and intellectual upliftment as well as a dedication to setting the captives free.

Pianke Nubiyang

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