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Re: White Rastafarians
In Response To: Re: White Rastafarians ()

This discussion on "white Rastas" is most interesting. I find the phenomenon cannot be ignored and so I have been compiling a book of interviews and testimonies which I hope will highlight and explain this reality.

It is a fact that a great deal of non-Aficans have become Rasta. Indeed, what is referred to as "the leading website on Rasta" is built and maintained by a white Rasta -- Ras Adam Simeon. If you put in a search for Rastafari on the web, you will find that most of the Rasta websites are built and run by white Rastas. This has its blessings, and some disadvantages, which can be discussed elsewhere.

My manuscript has already found a publisher, and I would be happy to receive testimonies from 'white Rastas' for inclusion in the book. This includes you too, Ras Adam Simeon!


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White Rastafarians
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Re: White Rastafarians? Jah nuh partial!
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Re: White Rastafarians
Re: White Rastafarians
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Re: White Rastafarians
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Re: White Rastafarians
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Re: White Rastafarians
Re: White Rastafarians (C.Liontree)
Re: White Rastafarians
Re: White Rastafarians
Re: White Rastafarians
Re: White Rastafarians
Re: White Rastafarians
Re: White Rastafarians
Re: White Rastafarians
Re: White Rastafarians
Re: White Rastafarians
Re: White Rastafarians
Re: White Rastafarians

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