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Re: The Great Egyptians
In Response To: Re: The Great Egyptians ()

Permit I to reason a likkle deeper on this subject, which seems to be SO MISINTERPRETED by western mindz and white-washed Rasta (and other Afrikan Movements). Firsly, this information doesnt come from the 1980's!...LOL...let us actually accurately date it back to the Time the Foundations of Creation were laid, inna de Hola Land of I-tiopia, land of Rastafari!

The Ancient Egyptians texts state:

"Our People originated at the base of the mountain of the Moon, at the origin of the Nile River."

The Ancient Egyptian legend of Asar (Osiris) tells of the time when the inhabitants of Egypt migrated from Ethiopia:

"Ancient Egypt was a colony of Nubia - Ethiopia... Osiris having been the leader of the colony...

"And upon his return to Greece, they gathered around and asked, "tell us about this great land of the Blacks called Ethiopia." And Herodotus said "they are 2 great Ethiopian Nations, one is Sind (India) and the other in Egypt."

"THey also say that the Egyptians are colonist sent out by the Ethiopians, Osiris having been the leader of the colony. For, speaking generally, what is now Egypt, they maintain was not land, but sea, when in the beginning the Universe was being formed. Afterward, however, as the Nile during the times of its inundation carried down the mud from Ethiopia, land was gradually built from the deposit... And the larger part of the customs of the Egyptians is, they hold, Ethiopian, the colonists still preserving their Ancient manners. For instance, the belief that their kings are Gods, the very special attention which they pay to their burials, and many other matters of a similar nature, are ETHIOPIAN practices. The shape of their statues and the forms of their letters are ETHIOPIAN. The 2 kinds of writing which the Egyptians have, that which is known as popular (demotic) is learned by everyone, while that which is called sacred (hieratic), is understood only by the priests of the Egyptians. They learned it from their Fathers as one of the things which are not divulged, but among the Ethiopians, everyone uses these forms of letters.

Furthermore, the order of the priests, they maintain, have much the same position among both people. All are clean who are engaged in the service of the gods, like the Ethiopian priests. They have the same dress and form of staff, which is shaped like a plough, and is carried by their kings who wear high, felt hats which end in a knob in the top and are circled by the serpents which they call asps. This symbol appears to carry the thought that it will be carrying stings. Many other things are told by them concerning their own antiquity and the colony, which they sent out that became the Egyptians, but about this there is no special need of our writing anything."

Also, from the Laws of MA'AT, which predate (and taught) "Moses" and "Jesus", let us take a good look at the 5th law, and see how Rasta goes back thousands of years, along the Ancient Nile CIVIL-izations:

"Hail, Neha-her, who comest forth from Rasta, I have not stolen grain."

From: "African Origins of the Major World Religions", a collaborative effort by Dr Yosef Ben-Jochannan (Master/Teacher from Ethiopia, a "Falashan" himself), Charles Finch, Modupe Oduoye (who links the Teachings to the Interior of Afrika), Tsegaye Gabre-Medhin, an Ethiopian playwight, poet, and Egyptologist) and Amon Saba Saakana (Egyptologist, and author of "Colonialism and the Destruction of the Mind):

It is in this clear sociological stratum that Moses, the "Priest of Isis" who earlier held up Isis's own symbol of the rod and sacred serpent in his worship at the Nile Temple of Memphis, later also held up the SAME ROD and sacred serpent as banner of his Jewish followers, when as "Priest of Israel" he led them out of the "Land of Kam".

It is therefore that we are not surprised to find the Ka-Ba-Ra serpent figure on the rod of Moses strill prevalent today in the "Betre Aron" service of the ETHIOPIAN COPTIC CHURCH (H.I.M. Beloved Church); the serpent feature of the "Boku" rod of the ETHIOPIAN Oromo Gada (Ka Ada); the annual processional performance of the Holy Covenant Church of Our Lady of Axum abound with her Isiac sistrums and "Warab" dances; the annual processional performance of the ETHIOPIAN Epiphany and Oromo Erecha, STILL journeying to the lakes and rivers to engage in their seperate but similar sprinkle of the sacred waters; the intermingled Isaic adorations to the Abdar- Atete-Mariam on the first day of the ETHIOPIAN month, Gimbot; the KARAISMS of the anual QULUBI and GIFITI, Lady of Sheik-Hussein processions; the "karaism" in the "KirarIso" invocation-song in the annual FASIKA (Easter) resurection of the Christ, and the procession performed around the MEDREK of the church in search of His lost body. The Bacchic dances of the Oromo Atete, the Tigrai Ado Kabare (Ada KABARA), adn the Christian Amara Aquabit, are but VERY FEW EXAMPLES OF THE RELEVANT Ka-Ba-Ra Culture STILL surviving in Minds and Religious Practices (ETHIOPIANS)...and deeply imbedded within the Ethiopian Coptic Church.








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