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"Wait till the time shall come when a mule is monarch of Media; then thou delicate Lydian/Ludian/Rutian, away to the "pebbles of Hermus; haste, oh haste thee away, nor blush to behave like a coward...Cyrus was that mule. For the parents of Cyrus were of different races and of different conditions his mother a Median princess, daughter of King Astyages and his father a Persian and a subject, who though so far beneath her in all respects, had married his royal mistress."
"Thou art about, oh king, to make war against men who wear leathern trousers, and have all their other garments of leather; who feed not on what they like, but on what they can get from a soil that is sterile and unkindly; who do not indulge in wine, but drink water; who possess no figs nor anything else that is good to eat. If then, thou conquerest them, what canst thou get from them, seeing that they have nothing at all? But if they conquer thee, consider how much that is precious thou wilt lose; if they once get a taste of our pleasant things, they will keep such a hold of them that we shall never be able to make them lose their grasp. For my part I am thankful to the gods, that they have not put it into the hearts of the Persians to invade Lydia."
According to Herodotus Cyaxares and Croesus were brothers one the King of Lydia; the other the King of the Medes, this would make both Lydians and Medians descendents/"karts" of the original Ruti/Ludi, the Egyptians.
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