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Rastafari Speaks

Re: word/power from Seshatasefekht

*******europeans ONLY differed from afrikans in relation to exposure and acceptance to semitic thought. *******

And fast forward to the present and it is clear that much of our folly derives from our exposure and acceptance to semitic thought.

See, the problem is that once something is acceptance as divinely authoritative, there is no analysis. It is "God's law".

As we have become detached from our indigenous surroundings (technology contributes towards this detachment), we then align towards external dictations (commands - as in Ten Commandments) rather than internal instincts and other natural awareness. This is my definition of semitic thought/doctrine.

Regardless if a culture was considered "pagan" or not, there appears to be more evidence (historical, observational and experiental) that shows a greater propensity toward oppression of groups of humans that is related to the oppressing group's acceptance and implementation of 'divine worthiness rankings' (hierarchy) which positions a male deity as it zoroastrianism or abrahamicism or otherwise.

As seshata brought up with his rastafarianism/illuminati reasoning, and as seen by 'semitic protectionists' we can clearly see that hinging on semitic ideology is practically ALWAYS the crux of disagreements on this board and amongst those seeking natural/afrikan/indigenous livity.

This board is but a microcosm of the issues that face us as a people.

Divide and conquer is a Semitic ideology that Europeans adopted NOT originated.

Remember, folks always say how the european did not originate why now give them credit for chosenism/hierarchy/oppression/inferiority-implementations???

Again, non-semitic worldview is the original overstanding that is shared by pre-colonized/pre-invaded/pre-coverted unexposed to outsider human beings.

Messages In This Thread

word/power from Seshatasefekht *LINK*
Re: word/power from Seshatasefekht
Re: word/power from Seshatasefekht
Re: word/power from Seshatasefekht
Re: word/power from Seshatasefekht
Re: word/power from Seshatasefekht
The Adam-antines
the Advancement of Coloreds
Re: the Advancement of Coloreds
What about the Greeks, Romans etc?
Don't forget the Persian/Aryans too..
Re: Don't forget the Persian/Aryans too..
Re: Don't forget the Persian/Aryans too..
Re: Don't forget the Persian/Aryans too..
Re: Don't forget the Persian/Aryans too..
Re: Don't forget the Persian/Aryans too..
who is "they"? semites or europeans? *NM*
Re: Don't forget the Persian/Aryans too..
division is the ultimate semitic protectionism
Re: division is the ultimate semitic protectionism
absolutely *NM*
well the semitic paradigm came from god also
i have a few questions
Mere students on an Ideology...
Re: Mere students of an Ideology...
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Re: Stranger than non'fiction' *LINK*
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where did both of those dynamics come from? *NM*
actually this is word/power from Oshun_Auset
well thankhs AuSeT *NM*
Western Migration came 1st!!! *LINK*
The Believer *LINK*
Re: The Believer
On the other end of the spectrum...
Before Hanok became Knoah...

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