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I Overstand what the I is saying, but exactly where do InI find the accounts of the flood in the Americas at such time, or other places of the world that did not have writting at that time? How can InI validate a recorded account of the flood from a world's perspective, considering that the entire world was not reading and writting?
All the known civilizations of that day have recorded a flood story.
Personally I would not put too much stock in semantics, and names of geographical locations, labeled by Europeans, and Invader Arabs to the continent.
Personally I have memorized all the lakes and water passages in Africa. Therefore when semantics begin to take presidence over what InI elders have taught I, then I am able to distinguish the truth from modern European and Arabic labels of a land that never belonged to them.
Okay case and point. Israel was once known as North east Africa. But after the building of the Suez canal, that region became known as the middle east. It's called trickology.
Ya see that is how ya take Africa out of the Ible, you just play a semantics game.
The original text of genesis actualy says Ethiopia, but now it says Kush. Now InI know that the Kushites were African indeginous peoples, but do every lamen white person know that? Probably not, that is why it was changed in some Ibles.
But I do not see geographical Israel, as the same land of ancient Babylon. Totally 2 different areas sistren.
Iran hates Israel. It is not the same area.
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