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Shifting plates, of course, I am not Stupido, in fact I regularly study the plates but my queStions are always the same; WHY is the earth's crust split like this and when did it happen, why are the Himalayas still growing.
How many times has the earth turned on its axis, flipped north and south,(the bhagavad-gita says 4 times), why is the electromagnetic field around the earth decreasing at such a rate that it will disappear in 200 years??????
Will the earth flip continually or will it split into many pieces along the lines of the faults, will it simply explode from within from its molten core AND SPLIT along the fault lines
Anyway my point is obvious, one only has to sit at the beach as I do on the rocks a perfect illustration of extreme activity-volcanic to be aware of the changes this earth has gone through and its age.
SO is it quite possible during the many ages of the earth there has been at least one worldwide flood...and in living memory as there are 150-500 accounts of indigenous flood "Myths"
I have also as a lay person studied any and every civilisation, lived in greece and other places for awhile, travelled looking at people faces and places.
So have a sense of the earth and its people that is not book bound DOGMA bound despite wotya think.
And I only have to look into the faces of my family to know that mankind not only walked out of AFRICA BUT GREW THERE
Suppose you think I am stupid cos you think I support that ridiculous "earth is only 6000 yrs old" rubbish. spare me the agony
I love your beautiful mind anyway
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