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Re: Christafari
In Response To: Re: Christafari ()

With all respect, what their name shows me is that they are attempting to co-opt Rasta for their own missionarying purposes. InI say if they don't sight up His Majesty, what's with TAFARI then? This is HIM name! And Selassie I was not an evangelical fundamentalism schism roman babylon christian! The Ethiopian Orthodox church has no such tradition of intolerance and dumb literalism. Selassie-I was a true Christian, not an idolatrous jeezus freak. I am not misinformed, I even went to check them out, and Rasta Love Fire too too hot for these cheap pretenders. As I said, I'm glad I'm not them, using Rastafari name to convert Rasta--from what to what??? Rasta is True Church Christian, True Jew. InI represent fulfillment of the BOOK. It is these Christians who must acknowledge Selassie-I; Rasta already acknowledges Christ.
love and love to one and all

one and ones can't worry too much about judgement in this matter--these guys come to challenge Rasta directly with false teaching and so Rasta has the right and responsibility to say something about it. InI say bring it on! JAH know who will be left standing in the end.

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Re: Christafari
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Re: The difference between dissing and persecution
Re: The difference between dissing and persecution
Re: The difference between dissing and persecution
Re: The difference between dissing and persecution
Re: Christafari
Re: Christafari
Re: Christafari
Re: Christafari
Re: Christafari
Christ is Tafari / Kristos naw Tafari
Re: Christafari
Re: Christafari
Re: Christafari
Re: Christafari
Re: Christafari
Re: Christafari
Re: Christafari
Re: Christafari
Re: Christafari
Re: Christafari
Re: Christafari
Re: Christafari
Re: Christafari
Re: Christafari

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