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"Kabbalah is basically Afrikan indigenous overstandings that have been sequestered from the masses in order to propel the semitic mindset and worldview."
Greetings Disciple
Kabbala is indeed Afrikan in origin. The Semites stole the knowledge during their wanderings, just like most of their so called "original" teachings.
Here is a reasoning put forth by a sistren concerning the kabbala (KaBaRa).
From: "African Origins of the Major World Religions", a collaborative effort by Dr Yosef Ben-Jochannan (Master/Teacher from Ethiopia, a "Falashan" himself), CharlesFinch, Modupe Oduoye (who links the Teachings to the Interior of Afrika), Tsegaye Gabre-Medhin, an Ethiopian playwight, poet, and Kemetologist) and Amon Saba Saakana ( Kemetologist, and author of "Colonialism and the Destruction of the Mind):
KA IS THE CREATIVE FORCE that first gave birth to itself. It proceeded from the head of Nout, which is the Universe. Hence, from the beginning, KA is the "being" of our planet which became the manifistation of the first GOD-HEAD. It became the Cosmos that forms character in the human being who embodies it in its natural, organic and instintive constituents.
KA is the selective affinity or magnet power that draws spirit into incarnation. BA IS THE SPIRIT FORCE. It is the symbol of the human soul represented by the bird. BA is also the messenger that flies between the Sky and the Earth until it is purified by the KA to incorporate itself into the newly born human body. Between the beginning and the end BA is the breath which is in everything. It is the spirit force that constitutes the world and its final perfection.
RA IS THE LIGHT FORCE that first preceeded from NOUT, the void, or darkness. It is the rising sun by which the day and the night came to be depicted. RA is also the first Cause that held light and darkness in parallel potential in order that a third factor, "Life" came to reality. It is the Universal Power that acts throughout nature on seed and sex to produce new life.
"Utterances" of the "Primitive Trinity". the KA, the BA, and the RA (Ka-Ba-Ra), dates as far back as the prehistoric mythology of Khemet., "The Black Land", perhaps beginning between the periods of the late migration of homo-sapien man "from the southern lakes and rivers of the Niles" to the Kom Ombo Basin (20,000 to 11,000 B.C.) and continuing into the early Neolithic-Cuprothic or New Stone Age and Copper Tools Period (9000 to 7000 B.C.) of the "First NagAda Cultures".
"Isis had first travelled as a goddess from ETHIOPIA into Egypt" wrote Verru in his "Antiquities". When in the origin they named Egypt itself "Kamit" or "the Black Country", the early Kon Ombo
settlers also refered to themselves as "KAM", the strongest Egyptian term expressing Blackness. From the verb "Kemti", which is "to burn", is derived the direct Greek transliteration "Ethiop" or "burnt faces", a synonymn-adjective of "Aethop" (i.e: Aesop) the Black philosopher of early Greece, and of the Hebrew word "Kush" which effects the sound of BURNING-FIRE in BOTH the present day ETHIOPIAN "KAMITIC" and "SEMITIC" language.
Also, in effect, recorded history of classical antiquity confirms that, beginning "about six thousand two hundred and eighteen years ago (4236 B.C.), these "Kamitic" Ka-Ba-Ra names of primitive antiquity had, in the HIEROGLYPHS, "appeared along with the discovery of the Egyptian Calender"; a calender aptly termed "the only intelligent calender which ever existed in human history".
Our Ethiopian Calender which is still in use today, is indeed the
only one in the world keeping its inherent base on these astrological calculations of the old Egyptian classical antiquity. In fact, our more original Ethiopian name "HaBaSha" or "KaBaSa", meaning in the original old Egyptian, "Children of the Ka and of the Ba", also bases itself on this same traditional antiquity. Narmer Ka Menes, who, about five thousand seven hundred years ago, founded the First Dynasty by uniting Upper and Lower Egypt, is the FIRST PRIEST KING OF KAMIT to officially proclaim the KA name into the sanctuary of Memphis "the first religious capital of the world." Here, "a priest was washed clean and his power to fulfil his vocation."
Historians, both of classical antiquity and of the early Christian era, confirm that no other theology anticipated the Christian Logos Doctrine so closely as that as that of the old Egyptian primitive Trinity of the Ka-Ba-Ra, AND CREATED THE CHRISTIAN TRINITY OF "GOD THE FATHER, GOD THE SON, AND GOD THE HOLY GHOST". The story of the birth of Moses, also closely immitates the original mythological birth-story of Osiris Ka. Moses, who's wonder-working rod had been earlier dedicated by the Egyptians in all of their temples to Isis. The Bible too, in the Acts, Chapter 7, vs. 22, says that "Moses was learned in ALL the wisdom of the Egyptians, and was mighty in
words and deeds". Moses himself was an innitiate of the Kamitic religion, "a priest of Isis". His INNITIATE NAME was Osarisiph. In one of the doctrines of the KABARA which later emerged in the Jewish Zohar, called the Hebrew Kabbalah, the hieroglyphs, Heratic, Meroetic (Nile Civiliazations), Hebraic, and GEEZ and later Arabic.
It is in this clear sociological stratum that Moses, the "Priest of Isis" who earlier held up Isis's own symbol of the rod and sacred serpent in his worship at the Nile Temple of Memphis, later also held up the SAME ROD and sacred serpent as banner of his Jewish followers, when as "Priest of Israel" he led them out of the
"Land of Kam".
It is therefore that we are not surprised to find the Ka-Ba-Ra serpent figure on the rod of Moses strill prevalent today in the "Betre Aron" service of the ETHIOPIAN COPTIC CHURCH ; the serpent feature of the "Boku" rod of the ETHIOPIAN Oromo Gada (Ka Ada); the annual processional performance of the Holy Covenant Church of Our Lady of Axum abound with her Isiac sistrums and "Warab" dances; the annual processional performance of the ETHIOPIAN Epiphany and Oromo Erecha, STILL journeying to the lakes and rivers to engage in their seperate but similar sprinkle of the sacred waters; the intermingled Isaic adorations to the Abdar-Atete-Mariam on the first day of the ETHIOPIAN month, Gimbot; the KARAISMS of the anual QULUBI and GIFITI, Lady of Sheik-Hussein processions; the "karaism" in the "KirarIso" invocation-song in the annual FASIKA (Easter) resurection of the Christ, and the procession performed around the MEDREK of the church in search of His lost body. The Bacchic dances of the Oromo Atete, the Tigrai Ado Kabare (Ada KABARA), and the Christian Amara Aquabit, are but VERY FEW EXAMPLES OF THE RELEVANT Ka-Ba-Ra Culture STILL surviving in Minds and Religious Practices (ETHIOPIANS...and deeply imbedded within the Ethiopian Coptic Church.)
To the ancient Egyptians the "trinity" of the Ka, the Ba, and the Ra is like a sinble sacred tree (like the Adbara or Baobab tree) standing in one harmony, with roots, trunks, leaves and fruits. (This is the origin of the tree used in Hebrew Kabbalah).
Throughout Classical Antiquity, historians have recorded that the Ethiopians stood out BOTH in their MORAL COURAGE and RELIGIOUS PIETY. Herodotus and Diodorus (Western Father of History) had particularly stressed that Sobaq (SHABAKA), the ETHIOPIAN Pharoah "far surpassed his predecessors in peity and uprightness." Homer, in the Iliad, tells us that the Olympians were fond of visiting the PIOUS ETHIOPIANS. Zeus himself, followed by ALL the gods of Greece, went to FEAST with "the blameless Ethiopians", where he remained for 12 days.
The FEAST is NONE OTHER THAN THE FESTIVITY OF THE KA-BA-RA. From the beginning to PRESENT DAY ETHIOPIA'S Axum, where Almugah, the (Horus) SUN-RA, and ASHTAR, the (ISIS) MOON-BA, STILL RISE ON the phallic sacred (Oriris Ka) or Black KaBa Stone, the primitive Trinity of the Ka-Ba-Ra STILL SURVIVES IN THE PEOPLE'S STRONG, COGNITIVE UMBILICAL CORD.
What the Jews know as the "Sabazian" worship-dance is the "Sabean" or SABBATIC worship-dance which is a derivative of Baal or Adon and was originally the Kamitic Phallic god, Bacchus, FOR THE DANCE PERFORMED BY DAVID ROUND THE ARK WAS A "CIRCLE DANCE" and was CHARATERISTIC of the Sabean dance of ETHIOPIA/KAMIT. And as in the "Wereb" dance it denoted THE MOTION OF THE PLANETS AROUND THE SUN, and the leaping of the Prophets of Bacchus (BaKa) (1 Kings 18-26, Judges 21-21, 23). This was declared a JUDAIC DANCE (JUDAH), and later became a Christian dance of the COPTIC CHURCH TO DATE. When Moses instituted the Yom-Saba or SABBATH DAY, the allegory of the Lord God resting from his work of Creation on the 7th day. In Hebrew the word "Sab" also meant "Grey Headed Men" and that therefore the Saba-day was the day on which the "grey headed men" or sacrifices at the KaBa, the Ancient Ka-Ba-Ra black stone. Also the original hieroglyphic word SABA which meant "People of the Spirit Force", or "person" as in the GEEZ or "mass of people" as in the Oromo (ANcient language from Interior of Ethiopia).
Some points of Influence of Osiris-Ka as "Black God" and Confluence of Isis-Ba as "Etiopian Woman"
1) Osiris-Ka was called "The Great Black" (7000 B.C)
2) Now these are the generations of the sons of Noah: Sem, Kam, and Japhet....and the sons of Kam were KUSH, Mithraim, Phut and Canaan. (2230 B.C.)
3) Abraham, the great father and Prophet of the Semitic race, married Hagar, an Ethiopian Woman. (Old Testament, Genesis, about 1921 B.C.)
4) Moses the great leader of Prophet of the Jewish race, married an Ethiopian Woman (1571 B.C.) It was God himself who wedded the Ethiopian Woman to Moses, "and that Moses deserved high praise for having married the Ethiopian woman, her nature, tested BY FIRE, THAT CANNOT BE CHANGED.
5) Saba, the Ethiopian Queen, had a son by Solomon, the King of
Israel (about 1000 B.C.) "From beyond the rivers of Ethiopia will I receive my dispersed ones"; Matthew, 12:42.
6) Zeus the great god of the Greeks, was also called the "Ethiop"
(815 B.C.)
7) Memnon, the King of Greece, was refered to as "Black" is believed to have descended from the Ethiopians. (415 B.C)
8) Christ, the Divine Infant (Ethiopian), who also went to Kamit to
be learned in Her wisdom. (New Testament, about 1 A.D.)..."That Jesus supplemented his INITIATION in the JEWISH KABALA with an additional aquisition of the Wisdom of Egypt."
9) The prophet Mohammed married an Ethiopian Woman. (about 552 A.D.)
In the name of MA'AT (Divine Balance, Cosmic Order, and Truth
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