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Aside from the Esoteric and Natural Elements/Principles of Fiyah/Air/Water/Earth within the Tetragrammaton mentioned by a bredren who responded to you, here's another perspective to be seen with the Kaballah, also of Kushitic rootz. Perhaps u will overstand and sight the similarities as it relates to the RASTA SCIENZ suggested within the original post.
--as shown in The "Kabbalah Unveiled," p. 31.4
III. There are two "Tetragrammatons" in the Kabbala, or, rather--he is dual, and for the matter of that, even triple, quaternary and a septenary. He becomes 9 and 13 only toward the end when "thirteen" or UNITY destroys the septenate symbolized by the "Seven Inferior," which seven, are "the seven kings of Edom," (when the races are concerned) and the seven "lower Sephiroth" when the human principles are referred to. The first Tetragrammaton is the ever concealed one, the FATHER,--himself an emanation of the eternal light, thence not Ain-Soph. He is not the four-lettered Tetraktis, but the Square only, so to say, on a plane surface. It is the ideal geometrical figure formed of four imaginary lines, the abstract symbol of an abstract idea, or four "mathematical" lines enclosing a "mathematical" space--which is "equal to nothing enclosing nothing"--as says Dr. Pratt, speaking of the triangle in his "New Aspects of Life." A Phantom veiled with four breaths. So much for "Father" Macroprosopus-TETRAGRAMMATON.
IV. Microprosopus-Tetragrammaton--the "Son" or Logos, is the triangle in a square; the seven-fold, cube; or as the six-faced cube unfolded becomes the seven-partitioned cross, when the androgyne separates into opposite sexes. In the words of a commentary on the Secret Doctrine--
"The circle emanates a light which becomes to our vision four-cornered; this unfolds and becomes seven." Here the "circle" is the first sephira "the kether" or crown, the Risha Havurah, or "white head," and the "upper skull." [It is not limitless, but temporary in this phenomenal world.] It emanates the two lower Sephiroth (Chokhmah and Binah, which are "Father-Mother") and thus form the triangle, the first or upper triad of the Sephirothal Tree. This is the one or the monad of Pythagoras. But, it has emanated from the Seven Elohim, male and female, who are called the "Upper Father-Mother." These are themselves the reflections of the Female Holy Spirit, of which it is said in Sepher Jezirah "One is She, the Elohim of life." How far yet from AIN-SOPH the ALL, are these numbers of the Jewish Kabbala, for they are in fact only secret numbers and glyphs.
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