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Rastafari Speaks

Re: Mumia on Barack
In Response To: Re: Mumia on Barack ()

Why dont you think it is going to happen?

It's not gonna happen because it's an unknown whether Mumia killed Faulkner or not. Like I said before I SUPPORT Mumia, and have been involved in some public activities aimed at informing people about the case. Although I support Mumia, I am also aware that someone died - and left a family. No matter my support of Mumia, I recognize that. "IF" Mumia killed Faulkner, he's done 25 years and should be released, thats why I think a new trial would be the best solution.

I think any person who has lost a loved one to a violent act, would be skeptical if Mumia, was released via a pardon, without "proof" that he unequivocably did not commit the crime. I dont like cops, but I dont think that they deserve to be shot in the back either.

When it comes to pardons, if Mumia was pardoned, would it be because he is the most famous? have you ever heard of Carlos Sanders, Greg Lott (my former neighbor) two folks sittin on death row in Ohio right now. Carlos was involved in a prison right, Greg killed an elderly man in EC and set the spot on fire...should they be pardoned too? Would it make any difference if that old man that was killed was your grandpa or your father, mother? Carlos prolly didnt kill the guard but was involved in the riot - he definitely need off the Row - matter a fact there shouldnt be a death row. But the question remains, what should be done with Violent individuals who kill folks -once those issues are resolved, then I think issues related to pardoning people who have been con-victed of a killing can be truly examined. My auntie was murdered and the guy who killed her got 8 years --- is that enough time...does it compensate for the fact that two brothers grew up their whole life without their momma?

Im not personalizing my rasponse just for the sake of it, my reason is prompted by the idea that it's very easy to suggest what others should do in response to a perceived injustice, without recognizing that our view might similarily be viewed as an injustice by others.


Doesnt Obama have the power to pardon him irregardless of a new trial?

Sure he does, you, I and many others have the power to engage in 'civil disobedience' protest, staging mass organizations etc, to lend our support to Mumia - but how many people have done that...? Have you? I can admit I havent, I have done a few concerts and sent $ to his defense fund, thats it. My take on it is this, I dont expect anyone to do anything, that I dont expect of myself - irrespective of what level of "power" I have, or perceive another to have.

Peace to you all well

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Re: Mumia on Barack
Re: Mumia on Barack
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Re: Mumia on Barack
Re: Mumia on Barack

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