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anti black slander
In Response To: Anti-Black slander? ()

Ayinde wrote" Ras Adam said: “There's lots of strong Afrikan voices on this board, but lots of them are anti-Rasta, Anti-Selassie, Anti- Racial Equality, Anti-race Mixing, Anti-etc.. so would I be contrary to some of these CONcepts?? You bet..”

What kind of a ridiculous statement is this?"

That's my opinion based on what i've read on this newly taken over board this past year or so.

"Who are the lots of them?"

Read the posts: people raging against Imperial rule, Amharas (his race),Christianity(Selassie's Faith), The Bible(the book HIM Gloried in Daily), One Love(an ancient rasta ideology now tainted and made into a curse word to promote hate), trying to turn rasta into freemasonry or egyptology, calling HIM a coward who let his people suffer while he lived in splendor..the list goes on and if the old posts weren't erased or if someone has them archived them somewhere i'll happily go pull up all the anti-rasta, anti-selassie quotes and the authors.

"Is this another attempt to slander the few recognizable Black ones like myself?"

This is to say if you are agasint selassie WHY are you (anyone) on a board called RASTAFARI SPAEAKS??????????????????
Would you go top ALLLAH SPEAKS and start dissing him??? Does that make any sense??????????

"Am I to believe that to disagree with White Ras Adam, and his White friends on key Black issues is to be against Rastas and Rastafari?"

Anyone free to disagree w/ me on anything I say. and anyone free to speak out against whatever they want.

"Apparently you have cornered the world market on what Rastafari and this Black Movement is all about."

Not in the least

"Apparently you feel that you know how Blacks are supposed to interpret things especially in this Black Movement."

I speak for myself. my opinions are my own.period.

"So apparently unknown to many of us, you were appointed some great Rasta Elder, and an interpreter for Blacks."

No One appointed me anything for anyone.

"As far as I know dark-skinned Blacks are few on these boards."

Where do you get that from?

"For the records, I am opposed to white missionary tactics"

Me too ever see the movie The Mission with robert deniro?

"your serious misrepresentation of Selassie's words to the extent that you assumed his words meant that he was supporting your “race mixing as a tool to break down racism.”

Haile Selassie was AGAINST Racial oppression Supremacy Classism period. for all races.

"I am opposed to your brand of racism, which is often more covert, and a sinister attempt to trivialize African concerns."

I'm opposed to negative anti humanity vibes

"I certainly cannot be anti-Rasta as I identify with Rasta in its most ancient form (something you obviously know little to nothing about)."

You can call yourself what you like...

"I do not identify with some careless association with Whites in some ‘onelove’ game that dismisses Black issues, which is a mask for keeping White Superiority and privileges intact."

I'm for positive people. period.

"I am opposed to racial-equality if that means being the same as Whites, "

racial equality is for every race

"or any other kind of ignorant and oppressive people,"

Nice statement.

"and/or playing for White/fair-skinned acceptance. That is racial stupidity, which contributes to all other forms of abuses. Blacks have no right trying to become equal to whites."

no doubt, we should all be on equal footing regardless of race.

"So far you have not proven through reason or otherwise that any of my arguments are false."

In my estimation your not budging on your ideals so i dont know if i can push that boulder up that hill over and over to have it roll back down on my toe, but i guess that's life sometimes.

"Instead you peddle Selassie’s name as a mask for ignorance, in my view."

what am i selling?

"For example, your strong defense of your claim about “race mixing being a great tool to break down racism.” You strongly defended that even when presented with better arguments, and that showed that you do not have the foggiest idea what racism is really about, and have not looked at your own white privileged conditioning."

I conceded many things in that reasoning but i was so misquoted so many times it got lost in the muck of bs that followed. claiming i said race mixing
was the great panecea that alone would end racism, saying i was trying to make everyone grey in a master plan to erase the color black. re re re

"You were firm in your view that Whites were to benefit from the Back to Africa (repatriation) movement,"

I say we are all africans and should move back there if we see fit.

"and because you see a small number of Whites claiming repatriation to Africa, you feel it should not be our (Black People) concern."

There's no flood of anyone moving there of any color. and since there are few (1 or 2) living on the land i said it was a non issue(MEANING not a pressing giant affair) not meaning it means nothing to anyone. obviously people who dont want white people living in ethiopia WOULD have it as an issue.

"Nowhere in heaven can anyone make a serious argument to show how Blacks must help raise funds to also assist whites to repatriate to Africa."

Ayinde You go show me a quote where I EVER said ANYONE should pay 1 cent for a white person to move to Africa. I NEVER MADE THAT STATMENT. EVER. Never alluded to it. never implied it. EVER.

"But in the face of many arguments you feel that whites by virtue of getting involved with Blacks/Rastafari are entitled to what is supposed to be for Blacks only."

I feel that we (rastafarians) should indeed have any right to live where we want, especially in outr fathers land, marry who we want , make babies with who we want etc... any race any class any creed... yes.

"I feel that people did not challenge your ideas early enough before allowing you into our Black people’s business."

I have been challanged on many thing for many years by many people.

"And as more Blacks get better informed they will work to ensure that Black Movements serve Black interests as they were meant to serve."

I hope as people get wider vision and become global citizens, their minds and hearts will open

"The only thing can I agree with you on, is that you do have a right to your views,"

Yes Bredrin as do you

"and are well within your right to spread them."

and you yours

"However, you and all who support your views on Whites claiming and benefiting from Repatriation to Africa, “race mixing is a great tool to break down racism”, and any other anti-Black views you share,"

inclusion does note equate anti anything

"should not expect this Black kinky-hair one to assist in spreading those ideas, or to help raise funds to promote it."

No one is asking for $ from you for white people i don't know where you got that one from.

ras a

I strongly feel those ideas are not in the best interest of Blacks, and I will act accordingly.

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Anti-Black slander?
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Re: anti black slander
Re: anti black slander
Re: Anti-Black slander?
Re: Anti-Black slander?
Re: Anti-Black slander?
Re: Anti-Black slander?
all rasta must go back to africa
Re: all rasta must go back to africa

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