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Re: leviticus, sizzla and capleton

Well it would be "cultural genocide" if EVERYONE was homosexual... but most people aren't, never have been and never will be.
If there's a huge homosexual community in JA then they must stay very underground... cos I know if you're suspected of being gay there you can be chased inside a church and shot like a dog, as happened recently.
Another aspect to this: I've heard several people, most recently Jr. Gong and Bushman on "1/2way Tree" and "Higher Grounds" respectively... imply that there is a big ECONOMIC motivation for otherwise 'straight' people to engage in homosexual activities... implying that certain rich homos (probably Yankees) are trying to lure youths into sex with them... that might be another explanation for all the animosity towards gays. I don't know how true it is. If is true is to be condemned, but no more than rich bastards who "buy" little GIRLS... same thing, kill em... but not all gays are like that, seen.

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leviticus, sizzla and capleton
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Solid Reasoning Star... Give Thanks *NM*
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Re: leviticus, sizzla and capleton
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