Those are not necessarily the actual teachings of Leonard Percival Howell AKA G.G. Maragh.
Those are what white anthropologists quoted him as saying.
As a white man named Jake Homiak who knows some of the original Howellites pointed out, if a strange white person come amongst them of course he would get some fire burned on him. The anthropologists took this to heart and interpreted that as meaning "hatred for the white race." But if the Howellites "hate" "the white race" why would they be friendly to Jake Homiak who is a member of said race? Cos he'd taken the time to pass through the fire and prove himself to be a human being before being a whiteman. So things are not as simple as those "six principles" make it seem.
There is a website for the people currently trying to re-occupy Pinnacle (Howell's commune), they are fighting one of JA's "20 families" who are trying to take over the land there (this family owns the JA Burger King franchise incidentally). I don't know the url offhand but you can google it. So the Howellites could confirm or deny if what I'm saying is true... I'm going by what I've heard and read.
Another thing with Pinnacle was that while it was predominantly Black African, there were also Black East Indian people there (hence Howell's alias of "gungunguru maraj" i.e. "great teacher/king". I find this especially interesting given that my country (Guyana) is extremely bitterly divided between African and East Indian people (a legacy of the british divide and conquer policy combined with the ideology of caste that was transplanted from India). Maybe Rastafari could prove to be a bridge to unite the two communities someday, or at least to avert out and out war between them... cos believe me if that happens it's going to be ugly as hell... it's far from pretty now...
Got to run... til such time... respect