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Home » Archives » April 2004 » Coup d'État Plot, Exposed, Shakes Bolivia

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"Coup d'État Plot, Exposed, Shakes Bolivia"

Chile and U.S. Military Officials Balked on March 25th, but Continue Pushing Three Alternate Coup Plans

LA PAZ, BOLIVIA, APRIL 17 2004: It wasn’t a secret, but for a while, nobody was paying attention: there are groups plotting to destabilize the government of President Carlos Mesa, that are considering a coup d’etat in order to finalize the sale of Bolivian gas to Chile despite the outpouring of popular will against such a deal expressed in last October’s insurrection.

Of course, U.S. government officials have a lot to do with it (beginning with the Viceroy David N. Greenlee, his friends in the CIA, and even officials from the gringo agency USAID). It took a counterintelligence memo, put together by confidential Bolivian and Chilean sources, specifically accusing those foreign companies and politicians – to bring this matter to light. Then Congressman Evo Morales denounced the coup attempt, and the questions began… www.narconews.com/Issue33/article957.html

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