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Rastafari Speaks

Re: Rastafari; For Whites???
In Response To: Re: Rastafari; For Whites??? ()

peace and hotep,

Sean Karley.

do not call people 'human beings'.
do not speak of any person as being a 'human'

for a person to be a 'human' being, he or she must think, speak, and act 'humanely' at all times, in all places, in all areas of activity.

in order for a person to think, speak and act 'humanely' at all times, in all places, in all areas of activity, he or she must think, speak and act to find, REVEAL and use Truth, at all times, in all places, in all areas of activity. these areas of activity must include all aspects of Economics, Education, Entertainment, Labor, Law, Politics, Religion, Sex and War.

this means that a person, in order to be a HUMAN BEING, must not promote falsehood, injustice or incorrectness, at any time, in any place, in any area of activity.


'human' beings do not now exist in the known universe.


Europeans: Seeing the Human Race through ‘Race—colored’ glasses

Beginning in the fifteenth century, Europeans began to see the world through race—colored glasses. At first, their priests and Popes justified the new worldview as God’s law revealed to Christians. By the 18th century their scientists used their racial lenses to construct racial categories for human beings, with distinct hierarchies based on religion, ethnicity and skin color. European slave—owners in the colonies created a whole legal system based on race. And by the 19th century, politicians asserted that ‘race’ was the reason Europeans and European—Americans deserved to run the world.

To understand why and how this happened, we need to examine elements of the history of Europe and the United States. But first, let’s start with a working definition of race, created by The People’s Institute:

Race is “a specious classification of human beings created by Europeans (whites) which assigns human worth and social status using “white” as the model of humanity and the height of human achievement for the purpose of establishing and maintaining privilege and power.”

European Race—Colored Glasses

Biology: the blood lens

Race as a biological concept was created in 15th century Spain by the Spanish Inquisition, in 1492, just as Columbus was sailing the ocean blue —— and getting lost —— the Christian kingdom of Ferdinand and Isabella succeeded in driving out the Moors (African and Arab Muslims) who had ruled the Iberian Peninsula since 721 A.D.

Under Moorish rule, Spain had been the center of European culture. The Moors built 11 universities, thousands of book stores, hot and cold running water perfumed with roses, and a system of public baths for poor as well as rich. Moorish cities were centers of trade with Africa and Asia. Jewish people flourished during the Moorish empire; they had major roles in education and commerce, and were treated more justly than at any other time in European history.

But the Christian conquest changed all that. The Inquisition demanded that all Muslims and Jews convert to Christianity or face expulsion from Spain. Many converted but practiced their religions in secret. So the Inquisition established the infamous practice of "limpieza de sangra" testing the blood as well as the family tree of Moors and Jews to ferret out non—Christians. One drop of “dark” blood and you were out!

The tradition of one drop of dark blood lived on in the apartheid South. Until very recently, If you lived in South Carolina and had 1/16 Black ancestry, you were legally classified as Black. If you lived in Louisiana, the percentage was 1/32. So crossing state lines could change your ancestry!

Is it a coincidence that Inquisitors did their “racial blood tests” wearing long white robes and pointed white hoods?

“infidels and Savages:” the Christianity lens

In the 16th and 17th centuries, European conquistadors needed to create a theological justification for their conquest of the Americas and Africa. How could they steal the land inhabited and cherished by millions of indigenous people and not be considered thieves? How could they kidnap and enslave and murder millions of African peoples and still be good Christians? How could they annihilate whole nations of indigenous people and not go to hell?

Spain and Portugal, good Catholic countries, sought out the wisdom of the Pope who clarified their Christian duty for them. It’s OK to take the land of an “infidel” (one who does not practice Christianity) because an “infidel,” by definition has violated Christian law. If the ‘infidel’ protests, it’s appropriate to kill him. It’s important to enslave someone who is a “savage” (one who does not practice European culture) to teach the enslaved person the virtues of “civilization.” As a matter of fact, you’re doing him or her a Christian favor, by removing his/her sinful ways.

African slavery could also be justified by Christian symbolism that pre—dated any European contact with African peoples. In Christianity, the color black is associated with death or evil; the color white with life, goodness and purity. So when the light skin Englishmen met dark skin Africans, the Englishmen justified their brutal treatment of Africans by the notion that white ‘good’ was conquering black ‘evil.’ Check out the terms “black” and “white” in the dictionary; these absurd connotations still exist.

six most important things to remember about the characteristics of racistsman and racistwoman:

1. racistman, or racistwoman, is generally, any 'white' person, who speaks and/or acts in such manner as to produce, or promote, the practice of white supremacy (racism), at all times, in all places, in one, and/or all, areas of activity, including economics, education, entertainment, labor, law, politics, religion, sex and war.

2. racistman and racistwoman, are, collectively, the smartest, most powerful, most malicious, most deceitful, most technical, most efficient, most inventive, and most skillfully violent, of all of the people of the known universe.

3. racistman and racistwoman have, as their ultimate objective, the eternal promotion of their pride, ego, and arrogant incentive by practicing the eternal domination and abuse of people whom they classify as 'non-white'.

4. racistman and racistwoman always use deceit [indirect violence], direct violence, or the threat of direct violence to accomplish their ultimate objective of establishing, maintaining, expanding, and/or refining, the practice of racism(white supremacy).

5. racistman and racistwoman do not, at anytime, willfully and deliberately do, or say anything, without the intention of establishing, maintaining, expanding, and/or refining, the activity, including economics, education, entertainment, labor, law politics, religion, sex and war.

6. racistman and racistwoman, by practicing racism (white supremacy) are the greatest promoters of falsehood, non-justice, and incorrectness, among the people of the known universe.

the most destructive act committed by white supremacists against non-white people*

*sexual intercourse, 'sexual play', and/or sexual confusion


next to white supremacy (racism) itself, 'sexual activity' is the second strongest motivating force among the people of the known universe.

the persons who have dominat functional control or influence over the sexual expressions and/or desires of the other persons[animals, ets.], also have dominant control over the basic motivations of those same persons in other areas of expression, including economics, education, entertainment, labor, law, politics, religion and war.

any white person, who engages in sexual intercourse with a non-white person, under conditions dominated by white supremace, has done more to promote the maintenance, expansion, and/or refinement of white supremacy, than he or she could have done by any other means, in any other area of activity. this is also true when a white person, under conditions dominated by white supremacy, commits a countersexual act [so-called 'homosexual' act] wit/against a non-white person. anything that a white person says or does that helps to promote such behavior, and/or anything that a white person says or does that helps to promote sexual confusion of any kind, among non-white people, is, by so doing, practicing racism in it's most destructive form.


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