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The Lamentations Of Mother Earth Is a Classic

Ras Jahaziel's Video, the Lamentations of Mother Earth, is a great Documentary, as it relates to condemnation of those people who had engaged in slave trading activities against African people everywhere, upon the face of this earth. It is a video which can only be appreciated by very serious African Liberators, who refused to be afraid to make serious liberation sacrifices, for the upliftment of African people everywhere, and to try to take back the minds of their people, instead of begging the Europeans for the crumbs which are left on their tables, after they are finish eating.

There is no reason why the Lamentations of Mother Earth, should not be played and viewed by, and in the presence of government agents and others, so that they can be reminded, of the criminal atrocities which were committed against African people everywhere, by they who consider themselves as rulers of this earth. I do not think that Ras Jahaziel, was begging the sons and daughters of the no skin, for any money, he was just making it known, that he is in position of his own video, which he produced with his own efforts and money, and that it was avialable for educational purposes, and at least it was on sale. The fact that Ras Jahaziel gave his views about the Centenary Celebrations, there is no honorable reason for him to be slandered on this international forum of reasoning, because he gave his opinion about the Centenary Celebrations. Is it not a form of discrimination against Ras Jahaziel, to have condenm him and his video, simple because he has some disagreement with the Centenary Celebrations. If you all think that he was wrong in his opinion, why did you not forgive him, and accept his video among the others which you have in mind, and let the market place speak for it self?
That would be a very goodc example of gathering instead of scattering.
Is it your policy, that if any person or persons, have a disagreement with your project, they will be slandered, and be persecuted on this international forum of reasoning?

I must admit to you, that I am not a very well learned man, in the white people's educational antics, but I must also inform you all, that I am student in the University of Adversity. From what I was able to learn, a Centenary Celebration, is nothing but the Celebration of another Century when the Century is ended, and new Century is about to begin. In some countries in the world, the year 2000, has already come and to them it is now 2007, and they did celebrate their centenary seven years ago, and it was all this excitement and anticipation, as if the world was going to come to an end, but it did not. Their year of 2000 came and went, and for them it is now the year 2007, and life is still going on as usual in their world.

Now in the land of Ethiopia, and maybe some other places, the year 2000, will arrive on the 11th of September 2007, that is to say, on the 11th of September of this year, will be the year 2000 in Ethiopia, while in the western hemisphere it will be the year 2007, simple because they are using defferent Caledars, and one Calendar has more days or hours than the other, and that presents a mathematics of 7 years ahead in the western hemisphere, and 7 years behind in Ethiopia and maybe some other countries in the Eastern hemisphere.

Now here are my questions, will the Centenary Celebrations cause this world in which we are livinng to come to an end?
Will babylon be destroyed on that day by Earthquakes in Diverse places, with Fire and brimstone, with all African people being free as a result?

Will all the leaders in all African countries, open those gates of Mama Africa, so that African people can Repatriate to their home land Mama Africa?

Will England, France, Germany, Portugal, Belgium, the USA, the Arabians, and all thoase who have participated in the crimes against African humanity, Assemble their members of Parliament, and agree on, and sign the Repatriation, Reparation, Compensation, and Restoration Act into law, and have it proclaimed in the United Nations General Assemble, making the true liberation of Mama Africa and her people a genuine reality?

Will all African governments in Mama Africa, on that day or before, change their governmental constitution, to make all African people in the African Diaspora, be reconized as African people, to fullfil Marcus Garvey's teachings, which is Africa for Africans those at home and those abroad?

Will African people in Africa who are in prison be set free on that day, or will African people be still subject to be taken to jail houses on that DAY?

I do think that the Centenary Celebration is just the Celebration of another Century coming to an end, and another begining, and that is all there is to it, there is no need to scandalise or persecute a brother or a sister, becausec they share their opinion, their is really vno reason to discrimuinate against any one, good leaders do not set those kind of examples, You do owe Ras Jahaziel an apology, are you genuine enough to make it?
Again I send many oceans of blessings and self determination to African people everywhere
Baba Ras Marcus
It I write I will tell you about the Achievments which the Rastafari people have made o0ver the years, which you are not able to desern considering that you are using the wrong measuring instruments, so you will never be able to see them.
Again I send many oceans of blessings and self determinatiopn to African everywhere
Baba Ras Marcus

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