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Re: How do Rastas deal with Christmas?

You said: "For me, I celebrate that it is the birth on the Sun of God"

* I am not sure what you mean by that. But ok.

You said: "It is a time for family and friends (off work) and a time to reflect, resurrect and move forward."

* I really do not see many people reflecting and resurrecting but if you, your family and friends do, then good.

You said: "It is ironic that "holy days" are represented by feasting on meat."

* Personally I don't have a problem with meat eaters celebrating their 'holy days' by feasting on meat, although I do not eat animal meat (including fish).

I don't celebrate "Christmas". The good things I agree with that people claim Christmas is about, I do all the time.

I have seen Rastas buy Christmas trees, and others struggle with Christmas. Some hide to eat meat and partake in things they otherwise claim are evils of Babylon.

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How do Rastas deal with Christmas?
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No Body Kn ows When The Jus-sus Was Born
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Re: How do Rastas deal with Christmas?
Re: How do Rastas deal with Christmas?
give dem money on xmas & gifts on Kwanza *NM*
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Re: Nazaret
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Christmas Trees
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Re: How do Rastas deal with Christmas?
Re: How do Rastas deal with Christmas?
Re: How do Rastas deal with Christmas?

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