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Re: Sizzla "Karate"
In Response To: Re: Sizzla "Karate" ()

Much Raspek to the I, Ras O., for comin in with an intelligent discussion despite our virtually diametrically opposed viewpoints.
One thing: Police killing people is also rampant in Jamaica, as a matter of fact I believe they lead the world in statistics of civilians killed by police (including a youth recently who was shot for just smoking a spliff). Yet I don't hear nearly so much songs talking about that, as about homosexuality.
Why could that be? Could it be because the government is more than willing to tolerate some lyrics directed at stirring up animosity towards a SCAPEGOAT (not saying it's entirely like that, I do get Roots Womb(Man)'s point about rich people buying sex in the "Third World", death to those perverts), instead of towards their frontline troops who they use to protect their ill-gotten gains from the people whose blood, sweat and tears produced them?
I biggin up Mr. Kalonji for he song "Cop Killa" by the way.
Do you have any idea what album I could find that and/or the "karate" song on?
Peace Out.

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Sizzla "Karate"
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