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Re: I walk amongst Rastas with a big smile..

I was just back in London for six months last year, now I'm in Columbus, Ohio on a 1-year student visa, I gettin a M.A. in journalism.
A "banna" is anyone from Guyana. (Actually most people use it more for males but I use it for anyone, "bannette" sound too silly). I ain't know what is the origin of the word though. Is like "Yardie" for Jamaicans.

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I walk amongst Rastas with a big smile..
Re: I walk amongst Rastas with a big smile..
Re: I walk amongst Rastas with a big smile..
Re: I walk amongst Rastas with a big smile..
Re: I walk amongst Rastas with a big smile..
Thanks for the insight! *NM*
Who art Babylon?
thank's for your good words
Re: I walk amongst Rastas with a big smile..

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