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I walk amongst Rastas with a big smile..

And will never stop being Happy cause Jah is my motivator...
so please all....lets never get to serious about doctrine
that we cant laugh and smile...enough seriousness...if one truly changes within and decides to show God gratitude by being happy with their lot...
one will then see the world around smile more...
for the inner always creates the outer...so never evr let beliefs mek you think evryone is wicked inna babylon...cause whatever you
invision will manifest...instead let us dance and sing ...all good will come...\
if we wipe every trace of egoism and false pride from within ourselves...then the world will
autimatically change for the better....If ya feel pessemistic bout this.try it...wake up one morning and refuse to stop smiling and be happy till ya leave the house...then go outside
and watch the world you will see it is lit up more..that is our divine gift to uplift!!!!
seen bredrens!!!!and sistrens!!!!hehe

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I walk amongst Rastas with a big smile..
Re: I walk amongst Rastas with a big smile..
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Re: I walk amongst Rastas with a big smile..
Re: I walk amongst Rastas with a big smile..
Thanks for the insight! *NM*
Who art Babylon?
thank's for your good words
Re: I walk amongst Rastas with a big smile..

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