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Re: AshkeNazis

Genetics has shown that Ethiopian and South African (Black) Jews, Ashkenasi (white) Jews and Sephardic (Brown) Jews have common roots... meaning that all descend from common ancestors, at least in the case of the priestly class who are supposed to be descendants of Aaron. It's possible their color changed as they moved to different parts of the world and intermarried with the locals... but this is doubtful because there is such a strong tradition against intermarriage in Judaism. More likely is that the Jews were a multi-racial group in the first place. An interesting theory holds that they were Egyptians originally, which would explain the different colors as Egypt was a multi-"racial" society. This says they were the followers of Akhneton who proclaimed the doctrine of "One God" before being deposed from being pharoah, when his temples were burned and his followers persecuted... this would expalin why there is no historical record of a people called the Hebrews prior to the Exodus.

At any rate the government today in Israel could be referred to as "AshkeNazi" rather than Jewish, since it is run by the 'white' European Jews and since many of them seem to be imitating their former persecutors the nazis. They are treating the Palestinians worse than stray dogs. And it was them, along with Britain and Amerikkka, who kept the Apartheid regime supplied with guns and money. This is not all of them, I personally know ashkenasi jews who condemn the government of IsFAKE just as much as I do. But due to the brainwash education IsFAKE uses on its citizens, those who see through the lie are in the minority.

First, the Palestinians must be given back the land stolen from them and given restitution for the injustices done against them... then we can look at how we can have some kind of solution for the 'Holy Land' that is fair and equitable to Jews, Muslims and Christians because the land is sacred to all of these groups.

I personally ain't trying to see rasta go over there and join in the fight for that little strip of land that far too much blood has been shed for already.

I don't want to see rasta going to Ethiopia and trying to lord it over the Ethiopians the way the ashkenazis treat the Palestinians either... not that I think most would want to do this, but I have heard comments from some that make me wonder... today's oppressed become tomorrow's oppressor... like how people molested as children molest children themselves when they grow up... InI have to break out of this cycle.

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